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Re: Combine these displays

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111638] Re: Combine these displays
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 07:22:33 -0400 (EDT)

dots = {13.450, 8.1090, -5.398, -6.511, -9.7456, 
   7.903, -8.392, -5.989, -4.612, 3.614, -8.564, -6.598, -6.794, -8.898, 

histo = {0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 79, 372, 2016, 4354, 2350, 776, 47, 0, 0, 0};

vertL = 6;

  Column[Subsets[Range[vertL], {2}]],
  PaddedForm[Column[dots], {5, 3}],
  "     ",
   Filling -> Axis,
   FillingStyle -> Blue,
   ImageSize -> 200,
   AspectRatio -> 1.75]}]

Assuming that you actually want to Round

dots = Round[{
     13.450267077799438`, 8.109055556963629`,
     -5.398346580982599`, -6.511327150093379`,  
     -9.74563291525153`, 7.903094720434787`,
     -8.392664097832405`, -5.9892576996334`, 
     -4.612703478034474`, 3.6149284469532583`,
     -8.564611182475591`, -6.598329965767091`,  
     -6.794209914139243`, -8.89863831014673`,
     7.082991529239999`}, 1/1000] // N;

dots // InputForm

{13.45, 8.109, -5.398, -6.511, -9.746, 7.903, -8.393, -5.989, -4.613, 
 3.615, -8.565, -6.598, -6.794, -8.899, 7.083}

Bob Hanlon

---- "S. B. Gray" <stevebg at ROADRUNNER.COM> wrote: 

dots = {13.450, 8.1090, -5.398, -6.511, -9.7456, 7.903, -8.392, -5.989, 
-4.612, 3.614, -8.564, -6.598, -6.794, -8.898, 7.082};

histo = {0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 79, 372, 2016, 4354, 2350, 776, 47, 0, 0, 0};


Print[ColumnForm[Subsets[Range[vertL], {2}]],
   PaddedForm[ColumnForm[dots], {5, 3}]];

ListPlot[histo, Filling -> Axis, FillingStyle -> Blue,
  ImageSize -> 200]

I would like to have both the Print and the ListPlot side-by-side. I 
have tried various ways but the vertical middle of the ListPlot is 
aligned vertically with the first line of the Print, not what I want.

I'm pretty sure there's a way to do this,but ???

Second question: how can I easily convert this:

dots = {13.450267077799438`,
   8.109055556963629`, -5.398346580982599`, -6.511327150093379`, \
   7.903094720434787`, -8.392664097832405`, -5.9892576996334`, \
   3.6149284469532583`, -8.564611182475591`, -6.598329965767091`, \
-6.794209914139243`, -8.89863831014673`, 7.082991529239999`}

to this?

dots = {13.450, 8.1090`, -5.398, -6.511, -9.7456, 7.903, -8.392, -5.989, 
-4.612, 3.614, -8.564, -6.598, -6.794, -8.898, 7.082};

Thanks to all for many informative replies in the past few weeks.

Steve Gray

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