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Clearing RAM Memory during evaluation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111699] Clearing RAM Memory during evaluation
  • From: Aaron Bramson <aaronbramson at>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 04:01:20 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: aaronbramson at

Hello Everybody,

I am parsing a large data file and naturally this is memory intensive so I
am breaking it into the smallest chunks possible.  But I'm still having a
problem with memory because I can't seem to clear up my RAM between chunks.
So far there is NO output except writing a csv file, and I've cleared the
main data-holding variable I use, and all of it is done inside a
module...but still when the module finishes the memory isn't cleared.
Quitting the kernel does clear the memory, but I can't do that in between
calls of this function.  Can anybody tell me what I need to change to get
Mathematica to clear the memory at the end of the function?

Here's the function:

GetData[popdynamics_, simultaneous_, learning_] :=
 Module[{ThisData, DataLine, DataFile},
  ThisData = {};
  DataLine = {};
  DataFile =
  Do[DataLine = ReadList[DataFile, Record, 1], {7}];
  DataLine =
   Map[StringTake[#, {2, StringLength[#] - 1}] &,
    ReadList[DataFile, Record, 36,
     RecordSeparators -> {",", "\n"}]];
  While[DataLine != {},
   If[(DataLine[[6]] == popdynamics) && (DataLine[[8]] ==
       simultaneous) && (DataLine[[10]] == learning) ,
    AppendTo[ThisData, DataLine]];
   DataLine =
    Map[StringTake[#, {2, StringLength[#] - 1}] &,
     ReadList[DataFile, Record, 36, RecordSeparators -> {",", "\n"}]];
  If[ThisData != {},
   Export["Test Data 2e.csv", ThisData]];

Here's the function call: GetData["true", "false", "true"];

Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Aaron Bramson

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