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Re: Frontend suggestions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111734] Re: Frontend suggestions
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 05:26:03 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Stanford University
  • References: <i3to0s$sao$>

In article <i3to0s$sao$1 at>, "Hans Michel" <hmichel at> 

> The FE and the language itself needs a new expression between Notebook and
> Cell (above CellGroup which is still a Cell) we need Compartment.
> Compartments can exist side by side in the screen environment and content
> can overflow into the next linked Compartment.
> With Compartment you can now do interactive pagination.
> The FE still feels as if one is writing in Galley mode. Pagination is or
> feels batched. Is it a notebook or a scroll?
> So in version 8 or 9 or earlier I would like to see:
> Mathematica notebooks consist of lists of Compartments objects. 
> New in 8 or 9 or earlier

It's hard to tell how this would work out in practice, but at least it's 
a new, novel, and very clever and interesting suggestion, together with 
some perceptive comments.

But at the same time, Mathematica's core and essentially unresolveable 
problem is that it has already gone way, way beyond the size and level 
of complexity that can be compressed into a single interface and learned 
and managed and managed and used by the large number of individuals who 
just want to use it to get work done in some much more limited area.

And no adding of additional capabilities and complexities is going to 
resolve that.

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