Re: Collecting Positive and Negative Terms
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg111741] Re: Collecting Positive and Negative Terms
- From: TJR <tilminator at>
- Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 05:27:36 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i3tnsg$s5l$>
On 11 Aug., 10:44, Michael Knudsen <micknud... at> wrote: > Hi, > > I'm currently doing calculations often involving very large > expressions with a lot of unknown parameters. To investigate whether > an expression is positive or negative, I usually expand it using the > Expand command and manually copy and paste the positive and negative > terms into new expressions and simplify them using FullSimplify. In my > case it often turns out that comparing the two is much easier than > looking at the entire expression as a whole. > > However, it's very cumbersome to do all this manually. Is there an > easy way in Mathematica to pick out terms begging with + (or -) in a > sum? > > Thanks, > Michael Knudsen It's a hard problem in general, but I suppose you know a lot about stuff that occurs in your specific application. So use pattern matching. separatePositiveNegative::usage= "separatePositiveNegative[hugesum] expands a hugesum, turns it into a list of summands, and then subsums those summands deemend positive / negative by myPositiveQ. Returns {...positive parital sum ..., ... negative partial sum...}."; Clear[separatePositiveNegative]; separatePositiveNegative[hugesum_] := Module[{sowReapKey, f}, f[sowReapKey[_], list_] := Plus @@ list; hugesum // Expand // If[Head[#] == Plus, List @@ #, {#}] & // Reap[Map[ If[myPositiveQ[#], Sow[#, sowReapKey["+"]];, Sow[#, sowReapKey["-"]];] &, #], sowReapKey[_], f][[2]] & ]; myPositiveQ::usage="myPositiveQ[expr_] tests if expr is positive or negative. Always returns True/False, but not always correctly. The algorithm relies on pattern matching. expr is broken up recursively, and the smallest bits are guessed positive/negative. Modify the definition of myPositiveQHelper to tweak the patterns."; Clear[myPositiveQ, myPositiveQHelper]; myPositiveQ[ expr_] := (expr // myPositiveQHelper) /. {myPositiveQHelper -> ((Print[ "deemed positive by myPositiveQHelper: ", #]; 1) &)} // Positive; myPositiveQHelper[Times[exp1_, exp2__]] := Times @@ Map[myPositiveQHelper, {exp1, exp2}]; myPositiveQHelper[Power[base_, exponent_/;!OddQ[exponent]]] = 1;(*no complex numbers*) myPositiveQHelper[Power[base_, exponent_/;OddQ[exponent]]] := myPositiveQHelper[base];(*no complex numbers*) myPositiveQHelper[exp_Symbol] = 1; (*override as needed, e.g. myPositiveQHelper[alwaysNegative]=-1; *) myPositiveQHelper[exp_ /; NumericQ[exp]] := Sign[exp];