Re: Creating a simple state inspector for Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg111926] Re: Creating a simple state inspector for Mathematica
- From: ADL <alberto.dilullo at>
- Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 07:21:20 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i45rgt$g5a$> <i48jk4$e71$> <i4d666$6m4$>
Sorry, I posted the wrong code: the following is the one I wanted to post. ADL ClearAll[Inspect]; Inspect[context_String, subcontext:(_String):""]:= Module[{cont,temp}, Print[ Style[context, FontFamily -> "Arial", Bold,FontSize->20] ]; Dynamic [ Grid[ Partition[ ( OpenerView[ { Row[{ Style[#, FontFamily -> "Arial", Bold], Spacer[12], Button[Style["Clear", 10], ToExpression["Clear[" <> # <> "]"]], Spacer[6], Button[Style["ClearAll", 10], ToExpression["ClearAll[" <> # <> "]"]] }], Framed[ Pane[ Dynamic[ BeginPackage[context]; If[subcontext != "", Begin[subcontext]]; temp=ToString[Definition[#], OutputForm]; If[subcontext != "", End[]]; EndPackage[]; temp ], ImageSize ->{Scaled[1], 80}, Scrollbars ->Automatic ], Background -> LightYellow ] } ] & ) /@ Names[context<>"*"], 3, 3, {1, 1}, {} ], Alignment -> {Left, Baseline}, Background -> {Automatic, {{RGBColor[0.98996, 0.950057, 0.785382], RGBColor[1, 0.983169, 0.877287]}}}, ItemSize -> Scaled[.333] ], ContinuousAction->False, SynchronousUpdating->False ] ];