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Re: "Abort Evaluation" does not work

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111936] Re: "Abort Evaluation" does not work
  • From: Themis Matsoukas <tmatsoukas at>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 07:05:54 -0400 (EDT)

> But you post does make me wonder why things behave
> this way.

As Simon and Seeziwa explained, the loop 

i = 1;
While[i < 1000, Print[i]; ++i]

does respond to 'Abort Evaluation' (but in a way that leaves the user wondering): it breaks the loop but it does not interrupt the printing of the i's that have been queued to the output. In this particular example, the loop is executed very fast (too fast to Abort during its evaluation)  while printing, which takes much longer, does not respond to Abort and so it goes on till completion, leaving the impression that nothing was aborted. 

The question then is, would it be too difficult for Mathematica to implement an abort that kills the Print? When I debug I make liberal use of Print statements and sometimes I do run into this problem of runaway printing that I cannot Abort.


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