i get an empty figure when exporting it, if I keep Epilogue->{.....}
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg112023] i get an empty figure when exporting it, if I keep Epilogue->{.....}
- From: mircea <mircea.darau at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 06:04:12 -0400 (EDT)
Hello, I have Mathematica 7.0 and I'm trying to save the following figure (as .eps or .pdf preferably): ScientificTicks[ ListPlot[{result, resultmodif}, PlotRange -> Full, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Black, Red}, AspectRatio -> 2, Epilog -> {Inset[ Labeled[Framed[ ScientificTicks[ ListPlot[{result, resultmodif}, PlotRange -> {{4.54, 4.6}, {-4480, -4250}}, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Black, Red}, ImageSize -> 110, Ticks -> {{4.56, 4.58}, {-4400, -4300}}], False, True]], "Zoom In", Top], {8, -35000}], Text[Style["h[\[Mu]m]", 14], {10, -6000}], Text[Style[ "Im[\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\"\[Omega]\", \ \"*\"]\)][\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\"s\", RowBox[{\"-\", \"1\"}]]\)]", 14], {2.5, -70000}]} ], False, True] where ScientificTicks is just a function to maipulate the ticks and their Format on the axes: ScientificTicks[plot_Graphics, xSci_: False, ySci_: True] := Module[{t}, Show[plot, Ticks -> {(t = Ticks /. AbsoluteOptions[plot, Ticks])[[1]] /. If[xSci, {x_, xlab_?NumericQ, r__} -> {x, ScientificForm[x, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#1, "e", #3}] &)], r}, {}], t[[2]] /. If[ySci, {y_, ylab_?NumericQ, r__} -> {y, ScientificForm[y, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#1, "e", #3}] &)], r}, {}]}]]; and 'result' and 'resultmodif' are two lists with points in the range {{0,12},{-80000,2500}}. The figure look great when i run these two routines, but if I try to save it the result is empty. If I remove the Epilogue, everything works fine, but I want to have this picture-in- picture format... Could anyone give me an idea how to solve my problem? Thank you very much! Kind regards, Mirela