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Re: VectorPlot on a Circle

Perhaps ListVectorPlot will help.

On 12/16/2010 5:49 AM, Dave Snead wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to do a vector plot but confine the vectors to a unit circle.
> VectorPlot[
> If[Abs[x^2 + y^2 - 1] == 0, {x, y}, {0, 0}], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}]
> only plots a couple of vectors, not the dense set of vectors that I want.
> and
> VectorPlot[
> If[Abs[x^2 + y^2 - 1]<.1, {x, y}, {0, 0}], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}]
> plots lots of vectors but they're on an annulus rather than a circle.
> Is there any way to do this?
> Or more generally is there any way to confine the vectors to a curve.
> Or, kicking the dimension up by 1, can VectorPlot3D confine the vectors
> to a surface?
> Thanks,
> Dave Snead

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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