Re: Re: Numerical Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg107124] Re: [mg107063] Re: Numerical Problem
- From: "Tony Harker" <a.harker at>
- Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 06:11:29 -0500 (EST)
- References: <hjulg2$sfk$> <>
Dear Steve, I agree with all you say: the result returned by Version 5 was anomalous (and obscured the very point I was originally trying to make with the example, taken from a course, about the different characteristics of explicit, predictor-corrector, and implicit methods of the same order). I'm happy with what version 7 is doing -- but I was surprised when I saw the difference between versions 5 and 7. Tony ]-> -----Original Message----- ]-> From: schochet123 [mailto:schochet123 at] ]-> Sent: 02 February 2010 08:25 ]-> To: mathgroup at ]-> Subject: [mg107063] Re: Numerical Problem ]-> ]-> Actually, the behavior obtained from version 7 is in some sense the ]-> "correct" behavior, and result in version 5.2 is the anomaly. As you ]-> note, the ODE system is stiff, and as Daniel notes, the ]-> approximation ]-> scheme is very ill-conditioned. For example, changing the ]-> initial data ]-> from {2,-1} to {2,-1}+{0,10^{-16}} yields a problem whose exact ]-> solution (without any round-off) blows up rapidly like the solution ]-> obtained in version 7. The solution you obtained in version ]-> 5.2, which ]-> I get in version 6.0, and Daniel gets on some machines and ]-> not others ]-> for all versions, happens because the numerical calculation somehow ]-> manages to keep the numerical approximation to be exactly a multiple ]-> of the one eigenvector {-2,1} for which such blow-up does ]-> not occur in ]-> the exact solution of the approximation scheme. This ]-> perfect accuracy ]-> for the ratio of the two components of the solution is not expected ]-> and should not be relied upon. ]-> ]-> Looking into the internals of how Mathematica implements the ]-> approximation scheme numerically is a bad idea, for several reasons: ]-> 1) Whatever fix one might find may not work on future ]-> versions, other ]-> machines, or other problems. 2) The benefits of optimizations ]-> Mathematica has made in organizing computations may be ]-> lost. 3) It is ]-> too much work. In particular, simply calculating with more ]-> digits of ]-> accuracy as mentioned by RJF should be expected to merely delay the ]-> problem for a few time steps, not eliminate it. ]-> ]-> The correct approach is to use an approximation scheme that is well- ]-> conditioned. Although this could be accomplished by reducing h ]-> drastically, a more efficient method is to switch to to an implicit ]-> scheme or another type of scheme that is well-conditioned for stiff ]-> problems. For the theory involved, look up stiff problems ]-> in any text ]-> on numerical solutions of ODEs. Mathematica knows how to do this ]-> automatically. Indeed, even in version 7, ]-> ]-> thex[t_]=x[t]/. NDSolve[{x'[t] == {{998, 1998}, {-999, -1999}} . x ]-> [t], ]-> x[0] == {2, -1}}, x, {t, 0, 1}][[1]] ]-> ]-> yields an accurate solution. ]-> ]-> Steve ]-> ]-> ]-> On Jan 29, 2:49 pm, "Tony Harker" <a.har... at> wrote: ]-> > I expect I'm missing something in the documentation, but ]-> I can't see why ]-> > this simple example of Euler's predictor-corrector ]-> applied to a stiff pai= ]-> r ]-> > of equations should behave differently in Version 7 and Version 5. ]-> > ========================= ]-> ========================== ]-> ======================= ]-> > $Version ]-> > epcm[h_,y_List,f_List]:=y+0.5 h (f.y+f.(y+h f.y)) ]-> > fepcm[h_,t0_,tmax_,y0_List,f_List]:=NestList[epcm[h,#,f]&,y0,10] ]-> > app1=fepcm[.1,0.,1,{2.,-1.},{{998,1998},{-999,-1999}}] ]-> > ]-> > 7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009) ]-> > ]-> > ]-> {{2.,-1.},{1.81,-0.905},{1.63805,-0.819025},{1.48243,-0.7412 ]-> 17},{1.34027,= ]-> -0. ]-> > ]-> 669464},{-5.34365,5.95073},{-32138.7,32139.3},{-1.57517*10^8 ,1.57517*10^8= ]-> },{ ]-> > ]-> -7.71992*10^11,7.71992*10^11},{-3.78353*10^15,3.78353*10^15} ,{-1.85431*10= ]-> ^19 ]-> > ,1.85431*10^19}} ]-> > ========================= ]-> ========================== ]-> ========================== ]-> == ]-> > $Version ]-> > epcm[h_,y_List,f_List]:=y+0.5 h (f.y+f.(y+h f.y)) ]-> > fepcm[h_,t0_,tmax_,y0_List,f_List]:=NestList[epcm[h,#,f]&,y0,10] ]-> > app1=fepcm[.1,0.,1,{2.,-1.},{{998,1998},{-999,-1999}}] ]-> > ]-> > 5.2 for Microsoft Windows (June 20, 2005) ]-> > ]-> > {{2.,-1.},{1.81,-0.905},{1.63805,-0.819025},{1.48244,-0.741218},{ ]-> > ]-> 1.3416,-0.670802},{1.21415,-0.607076},{1.09881,-0.549404},{0.9944= ]-> 2,-0.\ ]-> > ]-> 49721},{0.899951,-0.449975},{0.814455,-0.407228},{0.737082,- ]-> 0.368541}} ]-> > ========================= ]-> ========================== ]-> ========================== ]-> == ]-> > It's clear that the version 5 result is more acceptable, ]-> as we can do ]-> > everything in integers and convert to reals at the end: ]-> > ]-> > $Version ]-> > epcm[h_,y_List,f_List]:=y+ h (f.y+f.(y+h f.y))/2 ]-> > fepcm[h_,t0_,tmax_,y0_List,f_List]:=NestList[epcm[h,#,f]&,y0,10] ]-> > N[app1=fepcm[1/10,0,1,{2,-1},{{998,1998},{-999,-1999}}]] ]-> > ]-> > 7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009) ]-> > ]-> > ]-> {{2.,-1.},{1.81,-0.905},{1.63805,-0.819025},{1.48244,-0.7412 ]-> 18},{1.3416,-= ]-> 0.6 ]-> > ]-> 70802},{1.21415,-0.607076},{1.09881,-0.549404},{0.99442,-0.4 ]-> 9721},{0.8999= ]-> 51, ]-> > -0.449975},{0.814455,-0.407228},{0.737082,-0.368541}} ]-> > ========================= ]-> ========================== ]-> ========================== ]-> == ]-> > ]-> > What I don't understand is why this discrepancy between ]-> Versions 5 and 7 ]-> > occurs, and whether I can get version 7 to behave in the ]-> same way as 5. ]-> > ]-> > For something even more exciting, there's ]-> > ]-> > ========================= ]-> ========================== ]-> ========================== ]-> == ]-> > ]-> > $Version ]-> > epcm[h_,y_List,f_List]:=y+0.500000000000000000 h (f.y+f.(y+h f.y)) ]-> > fepcm[h_,t0_,tmax_,y0_List,f_List]:=NestList[epcm[h,#,f]&,y0,10] ]-> > ]-> app1=fepcm[.100000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,1.0000000 0000000000,= ]-> {2.00 ]-> > ]-> 000000000000000,-1.00000000000000000},{{998.000000000000000, ]-> 1998.00000000= ]-> 000 ]-> > 0000},{-999.00000000000000000,-1999.00000000000000000}}] ]-> > ]-> > 7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009) ]-> > ]-> > ]-> {{2.0000000000000000,-1.0000000000000000},{1.810000000000,-0 ]-> .905000000000= ]-> },{ ]-> > ]-> 1.6380500,-0.8190250},{1.482,-0.741},{0.*10^1,0.*10^1},{0.*1 0^6,0.*10^6},= ]-> {0. ]-> > ]-> *10^10,0.*10^10},{0.*10^15,0.*10^15},{0.*10^20,0.*10^20},{0. ]-> *10^24,0.*10^= ]-> 24} ]-> > ,{0.*10^29,0.*10^29}} ]-> > ========================= ]-> ========================== ]-> ========================== ]-> == ]-> > ]-> > Tony Harker ]-> ]-> ]->
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Re: Numerical Problem
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <>
- Re: Re: Numerical Problem
- References:
- Re: Numerical Problem
- From: schochet123 <>
- Re: Numerical Problem