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LogPlot is blank when Exported as pdf

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107354] LogPlot is blank when Exported as pdf
  • From: Greg Colbourn <gcolbourn at>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 03:36:29 -0500 (EST)


I'm basically having the same problem as a previous poster from 8th 
August 2009, who's post wasn't answered:

"I am having trouble to export a LogLogPlot to which I have added a
legend with ShowLegend.

I'm doing something like:

plot = LogLogPlot[function[t], {t,tmin,tmax}, PlotOptions]

plotWithLeg = ShowLegend[plot, directives, LegendOptions]

Export["plotWithLeg.eps", plotWithLeg]

plotWithLeg is displayed correctly on the screen, however it produces
an empty file when exported, regardless of the output format (eps,
pdf, png, jpg, nothing works). Substituting ShowLegend for a call to
PlotLegend inside LogLogPlot does not work either.

Exporting the plot without legend _does_ work.
Changing LogLogPlot by Plot, adding the legend and exporting does
_also_ work.

I believe this is due to some problem between ShowLegend and
logarithmic plots, a problem that manifests itself when exporting, not
when rendering on the screen. Can anybody think of a workaround to
this? [Adding the legend with a command other than ShowLegend, some
trickery before exporting, etc.]

Thanks in advance,

I'm using Mac OS 10.6.2 and Mathematica 7.0.0. The linear versions of 
the same plot work fine, but it's the log ones that I really want. I've 
got lots of them and it will be tedious to say the least to Export them 
all manually (I can do this by control-click -> Print -> Save as Pdf).

Has anyone else come across this and/or know how to fix it?

Greg Colbourn

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