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Re: Define an antisymmetric function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107402] Re: Define an antisymmetric function
  • From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 08:07:23 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hl0r36$uu$>

On 2010.02.11. 12:53, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
> I'd like to define an antisymmetric function by giving its value on a
> set of known objects.  I'm having trouble enforcing antisymmetry.  Say I
> want to define G[_, _] on the objects {a, b, c}:
>     G[a, b] := f[a, b]
>     G[a, c] := g[a, c]
>     G[b, c] := h[b, c]
> If I now enforce antisymmetry simply by
>     G[x_, y_] := -G[y, x]
> then it mostly works (e.g., G[b, a] evaluates to -f[a, b]).  But if I
> apply G to something that is not in {a, b, c}, then I run into an
> infinite loop: G[a, f[b]] yields "$RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion
> depth of 256 exceeded."
> Ideally, I would like applications to unknown input to stay unevaluated
> (e.g., G[a, f[b]] just yields G[a, f[b]]).  How can I achieve that while
> also enforcing antisymmetry?

Hello Torsten,

I do not think that it is possible to do this in a general way.  It 
might, however, be possible to make it work for the special cases that 
you need.

The reason why it is not possible to implement it in a completely 
general way is this:

Suppose we input G[a,b], and suppose that there is no definition 
associated with G that would allow computing the value of G[a,b].  Now 
we need to check if G[b,a] can be computed, and if so, then use the 
value -G[b,a] for G[a,b].  But how can we check if G[b,a] "can be 
computed", that is, if it evaluates to something different than itself? 
  If we aim for complete generality, this is only possible by trying to 
evaluate G[b,a], which will then trigger the antisymmetry definition 
again, and lead to infinite recursion...

So, let's not aim for completely generality.  Instead, let's just check 
if an *explicit* definition exists for G[b,a] (i.e. for the explicit 
values b and a):

G[x_, y_] := -G[y, x] /; hasValue[G[y,x]]

hasValue[f_[args___]] :=
  MemberQ[First /@ DownValues[f], Verbatim@HoldPattern[f[args]]]

This will work for simple cases, but it is neither pretty, nor robust. 
I hope someone will post a better suggestion.

One more thing that needs to be mentioned is that there is already a 
function similar to hasValue[] built into Mathematica:  ValueQ[]. 
However, it cannot be used here because for non-atomic arguments 
(anything more complicated than a symbol) it determines if it has a 
value by evaluating it and checking whether it has changed.  So the 
infinite recursion still wouldn't be avoided.

I hope this helps,

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