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Re: .eps file in MATHEMATICA

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107475] Re: .eps file in MATHEMATICA
  • From: Lawrence Walker <lwalker701 at>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 05:57:26 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hgq23t$g8l$>

On Dec 22 2009, 4:05 am, Andong He <h... at> wrote:
> I created an .eps plot using MATHEMATICA, and wanna add it into my .pdf file. The plot has a rigion filled using command "RegionPlot" in MATHEMATICA. The picture looks fine in MATHEMATICA and PHOTOSHOP, but when I insert into a .tex file and generate a .pdf file, the filled region shows weird pattern of grids and diagonal lines.
> How does that happen? Thanks

I was able to confirm what you were seeing using both an .eps and .pdf
file of the region plot image.

Note that I used the LaTeX package "epstopdf" to automatically convert
the .eps file to .pdf.

If I display the mesh with the mesh being the same color as the region
then I no longer see the "pattern of grids" in my generated .pdf
file.  I can do this using
RegionPlot[x^2+y^3<2, {x,-2,2},{y,-2,2}, Mesh->All, MeshStyle->Pink,

Unfortunately, using this method--the region's boundary disappears.  I
do not know how to display the boundary.  Do you know how to do this?

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