Re: Error List Plot with Legends
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg107671] Re: Error List Plot with Legends
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 08:32:33 -0500 (EST)
- References: <hltdua$s3m$>
Hi Ramiro ErrorListPlot does not have the option "PlotLegend". This is certainly not a nice feature, but we may use the more complicated "ShowLegend" instead. Here is an example: Needs["ErrorBarPlots`"]; Needs["PlotLegends`"]; ShowLegend[ ErrorListPlot[{Table[{i, RandomReal[0.5]}, {i, 10}], Table[{i + 3, RandomReal[0.5]}, {i, 10}]}, Joined -> True], {{{Graphics[{Red, Disk[{0, 0}, 1]}], "A"}, {Graphics[{Blue, Disk[{0, 0}, 1]}], "B"}}, LegendPosition -> {1, -.5}, LegendSize -> .5}] Daniel On 22.02.2010 09:06, Ramiro wrote: > Any suggestions on how to add a legend in an ErrorBarPlot? > > The simple PlotLegend option that used to work on ListPlot doesn't > work here. > > Needs["ErrorBarPlots`"]; > Needs["PlotLegends`"]; > ListPlot[{Table[i, {i, 10}], Table[i + 3, {i, 10}]}, Joined -> True, > PlotLegend -> {"A", "B"}] > ErrorListPlot[{Table[{i, RandomReal[0.5]}, {i, 10}], > Table[{i + 3, RandomReal[0.5]}, {i, 10}]}, Joined -> True, > PlotLegend -> {"A", "B"}] > -- Daniel Huber Metrohm Ltd. Oberdorfstr. 68 CH-9100 Herisau Tel. +41 71 353 8585, Fax +41 71 353 8907 E-Mail:<mailto:dh at> Internet:<>