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Re: Manipulate piecewise functions,

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107721] Re: [mg107643] Manipulate piecewise functions,
  • From: Vedhas Pandit <vedhas at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 06:21:14 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <20100221103331.BTP64.461149.imail@eastrmwml45>

Thanks Bob and Patrick!

I agree with you using array of plots, but I "need" to put all the 6 curves
in the same plot window. Can you help me do that?

(Analyzing the curves might then be tricky, but piecewise (x-p) and (x-p)^2
is only an example function, actual piecewise function that I am trying to
plot is different, having many control variables to manipulate. I only need
to know the syntax so the query (adding one more control variable q if that
changes anything): )

a = {1 2 3 4 5 6}
The goal is to plot a piecewise function corresponding to each of "a"
values, with manipulate where control variable is p,q , and the function
for plot y versus x is:
y=x-p-q for x-p-q<a, and (x-p-q)^2 for (x-p-q)>=a i.e. 6 plots getting
manipulated simultaneously.

Again, Thanks for your help and I hope you will again respond to the query

Best regards,


On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at> wrote:

> If you plot all of the curves on a single plot they will overlap and make
> it difficult to see what is happening.
> Recommend an array of plots.
> Manipulate[
>  Grid[
>  Partition[
>   Table[
>    Plot[
>     Piecewise[{
>       {x - p, x < a + p},
>       {(x - p)^2, x >= a + p}}],
>     {x, -8, 5},
>     Frame -> True,
>     Axes -> False,
>     PlotRange -> {-10, 50},
>     ImageSize -> 250,
>     Epilog ->
>      {Style[
>        Text[
>         "a = " <> ToString[a],
>         {-6, 40}],
>        Blue, 16],
>       Style[
>        Text[
>         "step = " <> ToString[a (a - 1)],
>         {-6, 30}],
>        Blue, 16]}],
>    {a, 6}],
>   2]],
>  {p, -6, -2, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
> Bob Hanlon
> ---- Vedhas | sahdeV <vedhas at> wrote:
> =============
> a = {1 2 3 4 5 6}
> The goal is to plot a piecewise function corresponding to each of "a"
> values, with manipulate where control variable is p, and the function
> for plot y versus x is:
> y=x-p for x-p<a, and (x-p)^2 for (x-p)>=a i.e. 6 plots getting
> manipulated simultaneously.
> I am new to Mathematica and this might be a naive question, but I
> couldn't find a solution through help documentation. I will appreciate
> if you can help!
> Thanks,
> Vedhas

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