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Re: How to Modify Mathematica 7 Documentation Center Default Styles

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106401] Re: How to Modify Mathematica 7 Documentation Center Default Styles
  • From: cjg <chuckgwo at>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:52:22 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hic35o$5bg$>

On Jan 10, 12:29 am, cjg <chuck... at> wrote:
> This is dedicated to all the Old-Timer who has, for what ever reason,
> downgraded to Mathematica 7 and suffered through the process.  As
> years go by and my eyes are getting older every day, computer screen
> are getting better with ever smaller pixel size, default styles used
> in Documentation Center, or DC, is absolutely unbearable.  This post
> give instructions on how to modify the default style sheet associated
> with various part of the DC, which includes Function Navigator and
> Virtual Book.  Here I need to thank David Reiss for pointing out that
> DC style is defined in Reference.nb.  On a Mac, it is located at /
> Applications/
> Wolfram/.  For a while, I was in vain modifying HelpBrowser.nb, which
> defines the styles used in Mathematica 5.2 Help Browser.
> On a Mac, find Mathematica 7 in the Application folder.  Right click
> it and select show package contents.  Go to the above location and
> copy Reference and save it some where else for backup.  Now, you can
> double click Reference to open it.  My goal here is not to completely
> modify all the styles used in DC.  I just want to modify enough of it
> so that most of DC is more legible on a modern computer screen for a
> pair of old eyes.  The list of styles to modify is not intended to be
> exhaustive.  However, it already covers over 90% the DC that we use
> most often.
> Once Reference is opened, you can modify each to your own liking.
> Don't worry about messing anything up.  You have the original to go
> back to.  In addition, you will not be able to save this notebook to
> its original location.  You have to use save as command to save it
> some where else.  Changes made at each style will be reflected
> immediately in DC.  So, it is a good idea to open the corresponding
> part of DC to see if you like what you see.
> To change each style, locate it, open the cell group, select the first
> cell, this one defines  the style for the screen environment, unlock
> the cell by selecting Cell\Cell Properties\Editable, go to the Format
> menu to make the change that suit you, reverse above steps as
> necessary and go on to the next.  If you want to modify a part of the
> DC that you don't know which style to change, just as I did in finding
> the list below, you can start out by changing a suspected one to some
> unusual color and look back at DC and see if you guess it  right or
> not.  Change to Reference are reflected immediately in DC.  Make a
> note of what changes you made that suite your taste.
> Once you are happy with what you see in DC, save Reference.  You can't
> save it back to the original location, so save it in your own document
> folder.  Now, quit Mathematica and copy Reference you just modified to
> replace the original in /Applications/
> FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Wolfram/.  Launch Mathematica and all the changes
> you just made will be reflected in DC.
> Here is the list in Reference that I made change to suit my own need.
> It should be a good starting point.
> Text
> Text -> Verdana 14
> Function Page Styles: define styles used in Function Navigator
> Usage -> Verdana 14
> Notes -> Verdana 14
> 1ColumnTableMod -> Courier 14
> 2ColumnTableMod -> Courier 14
> 3ColumnTableMod -> Courier 14
> PrimaryExampleSection ->  Verdana 12
> ExampleText -> Verdana 14
> ExampleSection ->  Verdana Bold 12
> ExampleSubsection ->  Verdana Bold 12
> SeeAlsoSection -> Verdana 12
> SeeAlso -> Verdana Bold 12
> Tutorials -> Verdana 14
> Tutorial Page Styles: define styles used in Virtual Book
> DefinitionBox -> Verdana 14
> DefinitionBox3Col -> Verdana 13
> Caption -> Helvetica 12
> MathCaption -> Verdana 14
> RelatedTutorialsSection -> Verdana 12
> RelatedTutorials -> Verdana 14
> TutorialMoreAboutSection -> Verdana 12
> TutorialMoreAbout -> Verdana 14
> TutorialRelatedLinksSection -> Verdana 12
> TutorialMoreAbout -> Verdana 14
> I hope you like the new look of DC.  I surely feel liberated.  Now I
> can change DC window magnification back to 100% which is a much better
> use of screen real estate.  Now, all I need to do is to figure it out
> how to make DC windows remember its previous location and size so that
> I don't have to change it every time!

To make DC remember its window location, thanks goes to
ihojnicki at, open Option Inspector, set the scope to Global,
go to Global Options > Dialog Settings > HelpViewerSettings, set
Enabled -> True.

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