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Re: Program Generation of Mathematica Code

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106463] Re: Program Generation of Mathematica Code
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:59:42 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hihglb$fej$>

I am not completely sure I understand your question (also Cats and
Dogs seemed not to be mentioned in the problem statement).

But perhaps this is what you are looking for:

PopupMenu[x, MapIndexed[(#2[[1]] -> #1) &, {labelA, labelB, labelC}]]


On Jan 12, 4:50 am, "Stewart Bodzin" <Stewart.Bod... at> wrote:
> I cannot figure out how to create a symbol which contains a valid list of
> values and labels to use in a PopupMenu.
> In the following example, the list is for cat and dog.  I need to generate a
> list, represented by a symbol, and use the symbol within the PopupMenu
> function.
> I have a list of labels called mylabels.   How can I use it in the PopupMenu
> with the values of 1, 2, . for the values?
> The symbol Mylabels = {labelA, labelB, labelC}
> needs to be used to create a new symbol that will work as   { }
> If the values and the arrows are set to be strings, then it does not work.  
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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