Re: Question about Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg106547] Re: [mg106544] Question about Mathematica
- From: Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at>
- Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 06:09:54 -0500 (EST)
- References: <>
Hi Dominic, here is your data: data = {{{1, 2}, {3, -1}, {2, -4}}, {{1, 2}, {4, -5}, {6, -8}}, {{2, -1}, {-2, -3}, {-4, 6}}}; Here is one way: In[2]:= Flatten[Extract[#, Position[#, Min[#], 1, 1] &[#[[All, 2]]]] & /@ data, 1] Out[2]= {{2, -4}, {6, -8}, {-2, -3}} Here is another one: In[3]:= Map[SortBy[#, Last] &, data][[All, 1]] Out[3]= {{2, -4}, {6, -8}, {-2, -3}} This one is shorter but the first one is faster for larger lists. Since there may be many sublists with the same minimal second element, the two methods will not necessarily give identical results. Regards, Leonid On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Dominic <miliotodc at> wrote: > Hi. Can someone help me with the following question: > > I have a table of a table of number pairs: > > {{{1,2),(3,-1),{2,-4)},{{1,2},{4,-5},{6,-8}},{{2,-1},{-2,-3},{-4,6}}} > > How may I find the minimum second element in each sub-table? For > example, the first sub-table is: > > {{1,2},{3,-1},{2,-4}} > > I would like to then extract the {2,-4} element from this item. Then > the {6,-8} from the second sub-table, then the {-2,-3} element from the > last. > > Thank you, > Dominic > > >
- References:
- Question about Mathematica
- From: "Dominic" <>
- Question about Mathematica