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Re: More memory-efficient inner product for large last

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106901] Re: [mg106870] More memory-efficient inner product for large last
  • From: Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 06:37:10 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>

Hi Vince,

I suggest that you use lazy matrix multiplication, which can be implemented
for example as follows:

dotLazy[first_?ArrayQ, second_?ArrayQ] :=
  With[{fdims = Most@Dimensions@first, sdims = Most@Dimensions@second},
   Module[{a, b, plus},
    With[{firstSymbolic = Array[a, fdims],
      secondSymbolic = Array[b, sdims]},
     plus[x_] := x;
     plus[x__] /; Length[{x}] =!= 2 := Fold[plus, First@{x}, Rest@{x}];
     plus[x_, y_] /; Head[x] =!= Plus :=
      Total[{x, y} /. {a[i_, j_] :> first[[i, j]],
         a[i_] :> first[[i]], b[i_] :> second[[i]],
         b[i_, j_] :> second[[i, j]]}];
     firstSymbolic.secondSymbolic /. Plus -> plus]]];

Here is a function to test the memory consumption:

SetAttributes[measureMemoryConsumption, HoldAll];
measureMemoryConsumption[code_, f_] :=
 With[{current = MemoryInUse[], mmu =  MaxMemoryUsed[]},
  {f[code], MemoryInUse[] - current, MaxMemoryUsed[] - mmu}];

It returns a list of 3 elements, the first being some function <f> applied
to your code <code>,
the second is a relative increase of unclaimed memory, the third is a peak
increase of memory used
in a computation.

First let us check that my lazy dot function gives the same as yours dot,
for small lists:

l1 = RandomReal[1., {3, 5}];
l2 = RandomReal[1., {3, 3, 5}];

dotLazy[l1, l1] === dot[l1, l1, 1]

Out[5]= True

dotLazy[l2, l1] === dot[l2, l1, 2]

Out[6]= True

dotLazy[l2, l2] === dot[l2, l2, 2, 2]

Out[7]= True

Now a more serious test:

l1 = RandomReal[1., {3, 100000}];
l2 = RandomReal[1., {3, 3, 100000}];

measureMemoryConsumption[dotLazy[l1, l1], Dimensions]

Out[11]= {{100000}, 800384, 5536}

measureMemoryConsumption[dot[l1, l1, 1], Dimensions]

Out[12]= {{100000}, 248, 0}

measureMemoryConsumption[dotLazy[l2, l1], Dimensions]

Out[13]= {{3, 100000}, 2400696, 1603800}

measureMemoryConsumption[dot[l2, l1, 2], Dimensions]

Out[14]= {{3, 100000}, 248, 40796320}

measureMemoryConsumption[dotLazy[l2, l2], Dimensions]

Out[15]= {{3, 3, 100000}, 7201640, 0}

measureMemoryConsumption[dot[l2, l2, 2, 2], Dimensions]

Out[16]= {{3, 3, 100000}, 256, 70808608}

As can be seen, my version is less memory-efficient for list-to-list dot
product, but vastly
more efficient for other operations. I did not test on such huge lists as
your original ones since
I don't have so much memory at my disposal at the moment (running Eclipse
and SQLDeveloper),
but I would expect similar effect.

Hope this helps.


On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Vince Virgilio <blueschi at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to compute vector-vector, matrix-vector, and matrix-matrix
> inner products, for vectors and matrices whose elements are not
> scalars, but very large lists (~ 1.2M element each). I need Dot[] to
> ignore the last tensor index, but it has no parameter for this, like
> Outer's last "n_i " arguments. So I implemented my own. Unfortunately,
> the matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products consume excessive amounts
> of memory. The matrix-vector product peak memory footprint is ~ 800MB,
> for ~ 110MB total input, and the matrix-matrix product peaks at ~ 1.8
> GB for ~ 180MB input. Apparently, memory overhead is ~ 8-10X.
> Here is a trace of system memory use (working set and its peak) for
> the above Mathematica evaluations. My system is Windows 7, 2.5 GHz
> Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM (Lenove R61 laptop).
> (PDF ~ 180KB)
> Please find below my implementation of "dot", which ignores sublists
> below level 1 or 2 (depends on product type). Can it be made more
> efficient?
> Thank you,
> Vince Virgilio
> dot[l1_, l2_, 1] := l1*l2 // Total;
> dot[l1_, l2_, 2, n2_: 1] :=
>  ReleaseHold@Dot[Map[Hold, l1, {2}], Map[Hold, l2, {n2}]];
> In[3]:= l1 = RandomReal[1., {3, 1200000}];
> l2 = RandomReal[1., {3, 3, 1200000}];
> In[5]:= ByteCount@l1
> Out[5]= 28800128
> In[6]:= ByteCount@l2
> Out[6]= 86400132
> (* Vector-Vector inner product *)
> In[7]:= l3 = dot[l1, l1, 1];
> Dimensions@l3
> Out[8]= {1200000}
> (* Matrix-Vector inner product *)
> l4 = dot[l2, l1, 2]; (* Memory use peaks @ ~ 800 MB *)
> In[8]:= Dimensions@l4
> Out[8]= {3, 1200000}
> (* Matrix-Matrix inner product *)
> l5 = dot[l2, l2, 2, 2]; (* Memory use peaks @ ~ 1.8 GB! *)
> In[8]:= Dimensions@l5
> Out[8]= {3, 3, 1200000}

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