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Re: Re: Journals dying?, apparently rather slowly (was ,

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106956] Re: [mg106931] Re: Journals dying?, apparently rather slowly (was ,
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 07:48:07 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <27994965.1264251543203.JavaMail.root@n11>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

Many times, I've tried to open PDF files and failed, both with 3rd party  
readers and with Adobe Reader.

Universal portability is less than a rumor; more like a myth.


On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 01:46:40 -0600, Richard Fateman  
<fateman at> wrote:

> Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>> "Richard Fateman" <fateman at> wrote in message news:hjmjg4
>>> OK, I'll go further and even say this:
>>> I would certainly shy away from a presentation that required the reader
>>> to own a free Mathematica player.
>>> Why?
>>> 1. Most people do not have it, while most people DO have Adobe Reader.
>> True. But this is just logistics and the case today. Adobe reader was  
>> around
>> much longer than the Mathematica player.
> I think that the free Mathematica player has been around for quite a few
> years. The story I heard was that the person who wrote the front end on
> the Mac insisted that it be given away.  Let's say that it has been out
> for 15 years.   How many Adobe reader programs were there 15 years after
> its introduction?
>   I still remember the times when I
>> could not open a PDF file becuase I did not have PDF reader installed  
>> on the
>> PC I was using.
> You must have a good memory or a bad PC.
>>> 2. Getting a copy of Mathematica Player seems to require that you  
>>> supply
>>> WRI with your email and other information.
>> OK, This can easily be fixed.
> not obvious that you can do that -- what if a password is sent to that
> email?
>>> 3. I suspect that downloading Mathematica Player to a computer in a
>>> public library would not be allowed.
>> Downloading a PDF reader is also not allowed.
> It is not necessary because it is already there.
> ...
>> If the player was installed on that public PC, then clicking on a player
>> file (.nbp extension) should open it, just like clicking on a PDF file
>> should cause the PDF reader on the PC to open it.
> It seems that the free player can only load notebooks "curated" by WRI,
> if I understand the restrictions.  So mailing someone a .nb file won't  
> work.
>> This is what WRI should do: make the player support all Mathematica
>> functions, and make arrangements with PC makers to have it in each PC  
>> and
>> also fill the shopping malls and the post officies with CD's that have  
>> the
>> player in it (like they did with AOL many years ago). in few years, the
>> Mathematica player will be just as widespreadly used as PDF reader is  
>> today,
>> and it will become the main tool of exchanging scientific and  
>> mathematical
>> notes between scientists, engineers and students.
> This happens after Stephen Wolfram becomes king of the world, and
> probably closes WRI, since it will no longer earn any money.

DrMajorBob at

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