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how to display the value of w after using do?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110986] how to display the value of w after using do?
  • From: "ynzhang at" <ynzhang at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 05:15:46 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a beginner of Mathematica.
I just wrote a Notebook(nb) in Mathematica to in order to obtain the  
Gauss-Hermite weights as follows:

n = 5;
Do[w[n][k] = Exp[z0[n][k]^2] Sqrt[Pi] 2^(n - 1)  n! /
(n HermiteH[n - 1, z0[n][k]])^2, {k, n}];
I press shift & Enter to Evalutate. The results come out with only

  In[1]:= Do[w[n][k] = Exp[z0[n][k]^2] Sqrt[Pi] 2^(n - 1)  n! /
      (n HermiteH[n - 1, z0[n][k]])^2, {k, n}];

without Out[1].So I dont know if w comes out or not at last . If so,  
there should be a row or column vector shown in Out[1].

Thank you very much! I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!


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