Manipulation Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg111216] Manipulation Problem
- From: Osman Tuna <osmantunagokgoz at>
- Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 07:22:55 -0400 (EDT)
Dear Members, The following code is ok but when I use Manipulate command, I can't stop evaluation... ---------------- (*Firstly, we generate a random initial populations for our units, let's say cities*) list = RandomInteger[{100, 5000}, 20(*# of cities*)]; For[ (*Let's indicate # of steps; fragmentation and or growing *)i = 1, i < 50(*# of steps*), i++, (*If our random real number will be smaller than 0.1, one of the our \ cities would be divided, and the populations of cities after division \ will increase between 0.5% and 1%*) If[RandomReal[] < 0.1, j = RandomInteger[{1, Length[list]}]; a = list[[j]]; b = a*RandomReal[]; c = a - b; list = Cases[ IntegerPart[(RandomReal[{1.005, 1.01}, (Length[list] + 1)])* Join[Delete[list, j], IntegerPart[{c, b}]]], Except[0]], (*If our random real number will be bigger or equal to 0.1, our cities will grow without division, please remember that random real number is between 0 and 1*) list = IntegerPart[list*RandomReal[{1.005, 1.01}]]]]; list ---------------------------- With Manipulation; (*Firstly, we generate a random initial populations for our units, let's say cities*) Manipulate[ list = RandomInteger[{100, 5000}, noc(*# of cities*)]; For[ (*Let's indicate # of steps; fragmentation and or growing *)i = 0, i < nos(*# of steps*), i++, (*If our random real number will be smaller than 0.1, one of the our cities would be divided, and the populations of cities after division will increase between \ 0.5% and 1%*) If[RandomReal[] < 0.1, j = RandomInteger[{1, Length[list]}]; a = list[[j]]; b = a*RandomReal[]; c = a - b; list = Cases[ IntegerPart[(RandomReal[{1.005, 1.01}, (Length[list] + 1)])* Join[Delete[list, j], IntegerPart[{c, b}]]], Except[0]], (*If our random real number will be bigger or equal to 0.1, our cities will grow without division, please remember that random real number is between 0 and 1*) list = IntegerPart[list*RandomReal[{1.005, 1.01}]]]]; ListLogLogPlot[Reverse[Sort[IntegerPart[list]]], PlotRange -> All], {{noc, 50, "# of Initial Cities"}, 20, 100, 5}, {{nos, 1000, "# of Steps"}, 400, 2000, 200} ] ------------- How can I solve this problem? Best... Osman Tuna Gökgöz