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Re: Difficulty with saving Package .m files

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110502] Re: Difficulty with saving Package .m files
  • From: telefunkenvf14 <rgorka at>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 02:12:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hviapj$h6h$>

On Jun 19, 6:48 am, "David Park" <djmp... at> wrote:
> You are absolutely right! WRI is delinquent in showing how to do packages.
> In the first place, they don't seem to be certain themselves what is a
> preferred method. Nowhere do that take you through the steps that would work
> for a typical user. I didn't really learn about Code cells until I started
> using Workbench and also read some posts on MathGroup.
> There might be one method for simple undocumented packages (basically using
> notebooks and Initialization cells) and another method for more extensive
> applications with documentation done in Workbench, where you might work with
> the package.m files and Code cells.
> WRI should really get this down because it is very important for serious
> users who are trying to build up a body of knowledge and not just using
> Mathematica as a calculator.

1. I'd add that it would be super-awesome if WRI could also provide
some guidance on how to conduct 'unit-testing' properly in Mathematica. (I've
watched a recent screencast that demonstrates some tests in
Workbench---but doesn't go into detail on how/why to construct such
tests, with non-professional programmers in mind.)

2. A question related to the original question posed by M Kelly:

3. Here's a great demonstration by Mike Honeychurch (of WRI) for
building up a complicated function to grab economic data from FRED.
This enables you to follow along with a simple development process and
shows how to turn the end product into a package. Even though some of
the final details on package construction could be fleshed out a bit
more, this remains a gem in the Wolfram Library, IMO.


> David Park
> djmp... at comcast.net 
> From: M Kelly [mailto:michaelkelly1... at]
> On Jun 17, 6:11 am, John Fultz <jfu... at> wrote:
> > On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:04:10 -0400 (EDT), M Kelly wrote:
> > > I am having difficulties in saving or editing the Package .m files.
> > > If I open a .m file and attempt to make any changes to it and then
> > > Save the file or even use Save As, then it always wraps every line
> > > with (* *) annotation brackets, making the file unusable when I
> > > attempt to load in the definitions with Get[].
> > > Does anyone have a solution to this problem, or is it the case that
> > > Mathematica is just forcing me to use the IDE Wolfram Workbench to
> > > make any changes?
> > > Any help would be appreciated.
> > By default, cells created using the Code style will be saved as executable
> code,
> > while those created using the Input style will be saved as commented code.
> The
> > two styles are useful so that you can maintain code which you can execute
> inside
> > the front end for testing or bootstrapping purposes, but which doesn't get
> > deployed for runtime use.
> > If you open a .m file, you should be in an environment where all new cells
> > created by default are Code cells.  If you're working with a .nb file,
> then you
> > will have to make sure to manually change the style to Code (Alt+8 or
> Cmd+8, or
> > Code under the Format->Style menu) before choosing the Save As command and
> > creating a package file.
> > Sincerely,
> > John Fultz
> > jfu... at
> > User Interface Group
> > Wolfram Research, Inc.
> Hi again John
> I have just gone through the documentation in version 7 and nowhere
> can I find a reference to the Code style for cells. It is not
> mentioned in the documentation for Cell, Style, Package (.m). And when
> you go to the Front End and use the Menu Format->Style there is no
> Code style explicitly mentioned.
> You have to actually open a package, choose a cell and then go to
> Format->Style->Other before it tells you that these are cells with the
> style "Code".
> Why the secrecy?
> Especially since this is a very important aspect of the Mathematica
> program: being able to store executable code!
> Can this please be resolved with some documentation or others will
> have the same unnecessary problems that I experienced.
> Regards
> Michael

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