Re: Modification of Variable in NDSolve
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg107923] Re: Modification of Variable in NDSolve
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 05:49:28 -0500 (EST)
- References: <hmiikh$3r6$>
Hi, if you Change the function midway it will no more be continuous, not to speak of differentiable. Therefore, you need to restart the Solver at each discontinuity. Here is a somewhat laborious method: A and B are independent of F. Therefore, first solve for A and B. F only depends on B: dA = B[t]; dB = (1 - A[t]^2) B[t] - A[t]; dF = B[t] + 0.2; funB = B /. NDSolve[{A'[t] == dA, B'[t] == dB, A[0] == 1, B[0] == 1}, {A, B}, {t, 0, 100}][[1]] For F we then have a linear first order DE: F'[t]==0.2+B[t] Because of linearity you can solve: F'[t]==0.2 F'[t]=B[t] separately: f1 = F /. NDSolve[{F'[t] == 0.2, F[0] == 0}, F, {t, 0, 100}][[1]] f2 = F /. NDSolve[{F'[t] == funB[t], F[0] == 1}, F, {t, 0, 100}][[1]] The first ODE results in a linear growth, the second in an oscillation. Our function is therefore: fun1[t_]:=f1[t]+f2[t] Now where do we hit 5 from below for the first time? Near 20 Plot[{fun1[t]-5},{t,0,100}] or numerically: r1=t/. FindRoot[fun1[t] - 5, {t, 20}] the searched function becomes now: fun2[t_] := fun1[t] - If[t > r1, 0.5, 0] fun1[r1] Now where does this hit 5 from below, near 33: Plot[fun2[t] - 5, {t, 0, 100}] r2=t/. FindRoot[fun2[t] - 5, {t, 33}] fun3[t_] := fun2[t] - If[t > r2, 0.5, 0] fun2[r1] We continue: Plot[fun3[t] - 5, {t, 0, 100}] r3=t/. FindRoot[fun3[t] - 5, {t, 40}] fun4[t_] := fun3[t] - If[t > r2, 0.5, 0] fun3[r1] I hope you got the idea and you can continue. Daniel On 02.03.2010 09:35, Shawn Garbett wrote: > I need to modify a variable while a system of ODE's are being solved. > I've simplified the problem to the following: > > dA = B[t]; > dB = (1 - A[t]^2) B[t] - A[t]; > dF = B[t] + 0.2; > > Module[{count = 0, last = 0.}, > sol = NDSolve[{A'[t] == dA, B'[t] == dB, F'[t] == dF, A[0] == 1, > B[0] == 1, F[0] == 1}, {A, B, F}, {t, 0, 100}, > StepMonitor :> If[last<= 5<= F[t]&& last< F[t], > count++; last = F[t], > last = F[t]] > ]; count] > > This does a threshold crossing of 5 for the variable F from below. The > count that results is correct, but one more thing is needed. This > shows the graphs > > disp = Plot[#[t] /. sol, {t, 0, 100}, PlotRange -> All]&; > GraphicsGrid[Map[disp, {{A, B}, {F}}, {2}]] > > What I need is for F to be set to half it's value at each threshold > crossing from below. I've been trying introducing another variable, > but so far nothing I've tried seems to work. > -- Daniel Huber Metrohm Ltd. Oberdorfstr. 68 CH-9100 Herisau Tel. +41 71 353 8585, Fax +41 71 353 8907 E-Mail:<mailto:dh at> Internet:<>