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Communication over Mathlink with C/C++

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107967] Communication over Mathlink with C/C++
  • From: Amit Kulkarni <akulka1 at>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 05:27:18 -0500 (EST)

O List, here is my plea for help

Could somebody from Wolfram please have a complete and better example
in the examples folder for C/C++ communication for the next release?
And they can blog about it today on the Wolfram blog!
addtwo/factor/quotient etc are so simple yet not completely practical.
I will use addtwo() and figure out stuff slowly starting with hard
coding stuff and using dummy input & dummy output. Or use this page
directly for now using commandline programs

Here's my scenario which could be a typical example: Using Mathematica
for prototyping. I will call C program stubs like addtwo which
actually call command line executable inside that addtwo() which has
templated C++ code for proven and tested code which is not available
in Mathematica (and probably won't be soon). Have this complete with
error checking (CTRL + C) and any other issues you experienced folks
might know. This example will include the manual keyword, use MLGet*
and MLPut* functions appropriately, show how to pass strings, array,
int, float, long etc as a argument. I know, I know the information is
all there currently but it is scattered! We want one file to rule them

Reading docs and searching around is fine but newbies would want quick
turnaround. Can't somebody help speed up this tedious process? The
Java page
makes it look so easy (it might not be as I haven't delved into it).

To Wolfram Documentation team
IMHO, as a total beginner and a newcomer the instructions for building
under newer releases of Windows Visual Studio on C/C++ side are not
mentioned in quite a few releases. Concrete examples

1) minor nit: The documentation on the Wolfram website for setting up
the Visual Studio is here
The latest supported is Visual Studio 2008 (version 9) with Visual
Studio 2010 just round corner.

Is it possible to have the Mathematica installer figure out and put
the files in the proper place? Or ask during installation, do you
intend to use mathlink and installer will setup the paths?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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