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Re: Conjugate of symbolic expressions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108077] Re: [mg108034] Conjugate of symbolic expressions
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 06:10:29 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <28745811.1267954710914.JavaMail.root@n11>


Have you tried ComplexExpand? It assumes that all symbols are Reals, unless
specified otherwise. Also check its TargetFunctions option.

David Park
djmpark at  

From: Joseph Gwinn [mailto:joegwinn at] 

I have been using Mathematica 7 to do the grunt work in solving some 
transmission-line problems, using the exponential form of the equations.  

A typical form would be S1 = Exp[k1*x + I*omega*(t+tau)], describing signal
where K1 is the attenuation in nepers per meter, I is the square root of
one, omega is the angular frequency in radians per second, t is time and tau
a fixed time delay, t and tau being in seconds.

Often I need the complex conjugate of S1, so I write Conjugate[S1].  The
is that Mathematica does nothing useful, leaving the explicit Conjugate[] in
output expression, which after a very few steps generates a mathematically 
correct but incomprehensible algebraic hairball.

Clearly Mathematica feels that it lack sufficient information to proceed.
particular, it has no way to know that all variables are real until

One way to solve this problem is 
FullSimplify[Conjugate[S1],Element[_Symbol,Reals]], and this often works.  

But equally often, it works too well, yielding the trignometric expansion of
desired exponential-form answer.  Nor is it clear why it sometimes works and

sometimes works too well.  

Using Simplify[] instead of FullSimplify[] doesn't seem to work at all. 

So my questions are:

1.  What controls FullSimplify[]'s behaviour here?

2.  What other ways are there to cause Mathematica to apply the Conjugate[] 
without holding back?


Joe Gwinn

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