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find index in an array

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108104] find index in an array
  • From: Daniel Flatin <dflatin at>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 06:15:28 -0500 (EST)

I work in an environment where another system is the dominant analysis tool. In
porting some code to my preferred work environment, Mathematica, I find
that I occasionally need to reinvent functionality found in the other system. One
such function is find(). In that system, this function returns all the
non-zero indices in an array. Usually, this test array is the
consequence of a logical operation on each element, so that in the that system

indx == find(A > 3);

returns all the indices for which elements of A are greater than 3. I
have replicated this functionality in Mathematica, and I wanted to both
share it, and maybe get some input in how I could make it more
efficient or more elegant. One of the ways I learn to program in
Mathematica is to analyze all the various responses to simple questions
here, and I am hoping to steer the process here.

Here is my function:

findIndex[ array_?ArrayQ, test_ ] :== Module[
  idx == Cases[MapIndexed[If[test[#1],#2]&,array,{n}],{__Integer},n];


(* set a *)

a ==


get indices *)

indx == findIndex[a, 0.3 < # < 0.7&]


{{1, 2, 2}, {2, 1, 1}, {2, 1, 2}}

and to verify this is a valid result:




as does

Select[Flatten[a], 0.3 < # < 0.7&]

Note that this function is quite a bit like Position[] except that it
works on results of a logical comparison rather than a pattern.
Position, on the other hand, has some a feature I view as a virtue. It
can operate on non-array objects, in fact, it can operate on non-list

If any readers has some insight into a more compact, elegant, or
Mathematica-like approach to this findIndex function, please feel free
to respond.

Anyway, thanks for your time, and in advance for your thoughts.

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