Re: Mathieu function zeros
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg108195] Re: Mathieu function zeros
- From: gekko <pfalloon at>
- Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 01:45:49 -0500 (EST)
- References: <hn5b5u$6v8$>
On Mar 9, 10:24 pm, becko BECKO <becko... at> wrote: > Thanks a lot. This is VERY useful. As you said, I extended it to handle > the other Mathieu's and it worked very well. I think the only issue is > that this method doesn't detect zeros where the graph doesn't cross the > axis (it doesn't detect the zero of x^2, but it does detect the zero of > x^3). This is not an issue with Mathieu functions. But it would be nice > if one could exploit the inner workings of Plot a bit more to detect > zeros that are not crossings. Any ideas? One quick way would be too identify all local extrema within the plot and test whether they are really zero. The following is a skeletal implementation for minima (can be easily extended to cover maxima): (* define a test function *) f[x_] := Sin[x]^2 (* define domain *) {xmin, xmax} = {0, 10*Pi}; (* get points from plot *) pts = Cases[Plot[f[x], {x,xmin,xmax}], Line[___], Infinity][[1,1]]; (* define functions to test if middle point of a triple is a minimum *) minCheck = #[[2,2]]<#[[1,2]] && #[[2,2]]<#[[3,2]] &; (* get local minima *) minPts = Select[Partition[pts, 3, 1], minCheck][[All,All,1]]; (* refine minima to higher accuracy and get in the form (xmin, fmin) *) minSols = {x/.#[[2,1]], #[[1]]} & /@ (FindMinimum[f[x], {x, #[[1]], #[[3]]}] & /@ minPts); (* get a reference value to determine the "scale" of the function *) refVal = Max[Abs[pts[[All,2]]]]; (* select those minima which are essentially zero according to the scale of the plot *) zeros = Select[minSols, PossibleZeroQ[#[[2]]+refVal-refVal] &][[All, 1]] Plot[f[x], {x,xmin,xmax}, Epilog->{Red, PointSize[0.02], Point[{#,0}]&/ @zeros}] Cheers, P. PS: in my previous response I was remiss in neglecting to mention that I originally got the idea of using Plot in this way from Paul Abbott: