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Re: Why can't Mathematica tell when something is algebraically

This is, of course, the same bug that has already been explained by Adam 

In[1]:= FullSimplify[
 r^2 Sqrt[(r^3 + r + 2)/r] - Sqrt[r^3 (r^3 + r + 2)] == 0]

Out[1]= True

In[1]:= Unprotect[Holonomic`HolonomicFullSimplify];

In[3]:= FullSimplify[
 r^2*Sqrt[(r^3 + r + 2)/r] - Sqrt[r^3*(r^3 + r + 2)] == 0]

Out[3]= Sqrt[r^3*(r^3 + r + 2)] == r^2*Sqrt[(r^3 + r + 2)/r]

Andrzej Kozlowski

On 10 Mar 2010, at 07:47, David Park wrote:

> In view of the counterexamples that seems like a bug.
> David Park
> djmpark at
> From: leigh pascoe [mailto:leigh at]
> Le 08/03/2010 12:09, mmdanziger a =C3=A9crit :
>> This isn't the first time that I've encountered something like this =
>> Mathematica but in my calculations I got a term like this:
>> r^2 Sqrt[(r^3 + r + 2)/r] - Sqrt[r^3 (r^3 + r + 2)]
>> Which is obviously identically zero.  For some reason Simplify or =
>> FullSimplify can't figure this out.  Once you get dependent on
>> Mathematica these things are pretty forget about =
>> own knowledge because the program tells you that things are
>> different.  Then you sit there like an idiot checking an algebraic
>> identity that any beginning precalc student should be able to solve =
>> problem.
>> Is there any way to get Mathematica to "wake up" to these things?  It
>> has such a powerful algebraic engine for most things, why can't it =
>> something simple like the above?  Do you really have to manually
>> override and tell the program when things should be zero?
>> For the time being I'll just sift through and test things by hand but
>> I can't believe that there isn't a better way.
>> Best,
>> md
> In[2]:= FullSimplify[r^2 Sqrt[(r^3+r+2)/r]-Sqrt[r^3 (r^3+r+2)]==0]=

> Out[2]= True
> In[4]:= $Version
> Out[4]= 7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009)
> Leigh

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