Re: Struggling with FindFit for a model which takes results from
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg108288] Re: Struggling with FindFit for a model which takes results from
- From: Valeri Astanoff <astanoff at>
- Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 07:13:43 -0500 (EST)
- References: <hn5b2i$6q2$>
Good day, I tried and fix a few things : (I truncated data to 10 minutes) In[1]:= Lp := 2.64*^-27;(*mol^2/(min atm um^5)*) Rad = 63;(*um*)A = 4 \[Pi] Rad^2;(*um^2*) R = 0.08206;(*L atm/(mol K)*) T = 286; minutes = 10; Vb = 0.19; Vbv = 4/3 \[Pi] Rad^3*Vb (*um^3*); volconv = 1*^15 (*converts um^3 to L;1x10^15 um^3 per L*); molconv = 1*^6 (*converts moles to micromoles;1x10^6 umol per mol*); PMVWater = 1.8*^7;(*um^3/umol*)PMVDMSO = 7.13*^7; PCPA1 := 4.38*^-31; BSalt = 2.749 (*salt*); BCPA1 = 2.423 (*DMSO*); insecondvirialcoefficientlist = {BSalt, BCPA1}; exsecondvirialcoefficientlist = {BSalt, BCPA1}; NinWater0 = 4/3 \[Pi] Rad^3 (1 - Vb)/PMVWater; NinSalt = 1.663*2.062*^-4 (*Salts;assumes 0.3 osmolal=8A 0.176 molal*); NinCPA10 = 0.1*^-100(*DMSO*); In[19]:= totmolin[t_] := (NinWater[t] + NinSalt + NinCPA1[t]); XinSalt[t_] := NinSalt/totmolin[t]; XinCPA1[t_] := NinCPA1[t]/totmolin[t]; insolutemolefxlist[t_] := {XinSalt[t], XinCPA1[t]}; waterin[t_] := Total[insolutemolefxlist[t]] (1 + insecondvirialcoefficientlist.insolutemolefxlist[t]); NexWater = 0.056*^6 (*water*); NexSalt = 1.663*245;(*assumes mole fraction of 0.003*) NexCPA1 = 1694 (*DMSO*); totmolex = NexWater + NexSalt + NexCPA1; XexWater = NexWater/totmolex; XexSalt = NexSalt/totmolex; XexCPA1 = NexCPA1/totmolex; exsolutemolefxlist = {XexSalt, XexCPA1} ; waterex = Total[exsolutemolefxlist]*(1 + exsecondvirialcoefficientlist.exsolutemolefxlist); V0 = NinWater0*PMVWater + Vbv + NinCPA10*PMVDMSO ; tref = T + 273.16; volconv = 1*^15; In[35]:= (*The 2 parameters I wish to find are Lp and PCPA1 here in \ the 2 ODEs*) solution[Lp_?NumericQ, PCPA1_?NumericQ] := NDSolve[{NinWater'[t] == 8 A - Lp*volconv*molconv*A*R*T (waterex - waterin[t]), NinCPA1'[t] == 8 A PCPA1*volconv*molconv*A*R*T (Log[XexCPA1] + (0.5 - BCPA1) XexWater (1 - XexCPA1) - (0.5 - BSalt) XexWater XexSalt - Log[(NinCPA1[t]/(NinWater[t] + NinSalt + NinCPA1[t]))] - (0.5 - BCPA1) (NinWater[t]/ (NinWater[t] + NinSalt + NinCPA1[t])) (1 - (NinCPA1[t]/ (NinWater[t] + NinSalt + NinCPA1[t]))) + (0.5 - BSalt) (NinWater[t]/ (NinWater[t] + NinSalt + NinCPA1[t])) (NinSalt/(NinWater[t] + NinSalt + NinCPA1[t]))), NinWater[0] == 8 A NinWater0, NinCPA1[0] == 8 A NinCPA10}, {NinWater, NinCPA1}, {t, 0, minutes}] (*End of ODEs*) In[36]:= fNinWater[t_?NumericQ, Lp_?NumericQ, PCPA1_?NumericQ] := (NinWater /. solution[Lp, PCPA1][[1]])[t]; fNinCPA1[t_?NumericQ, Lp_?NumericQ, PCPA1_?NumericQ] := (NinCPA1 /. solution[Lp, PCPA1][[1]])[t]; Check : In[38]:= fNinWater[1, 1, 1] Out[38]= 0.0471314 In[39]:= (*Start of Curve Fitting*) Vtotal[t_?NumericQ, Lp_?NumericQ, PCPA1_?NumericQ] := (Vbv + fNinWater[t, Lp, PCPA1]*PMVWater + fNinCPA1[t, Lp, PCPA1]*PMVDMSO); (*So I am making this calculation using output from the ODEs to determine the total volume,which includes a fixed volume (Vbv), the result from NinWater'[t]*molar volume of water,and likewise for \ the DMSO. The sum of all 3 components is the total volume,which is what I am \ trying to fit to the data (see below).*) Check : In[40]:= Vtotal[1, 1, 1] Out[40]= 1.14902*10^6 In[41]:= data = {1.047397 10^6, 1.028567106, 1.010057 10^6, 991863, 974012, 956510, 939369, 922600, 906215, 890226}; In[42]:= ClearAll[Lp, PCPA1]; FindFit[data, Vtotal[t, Lp, PCPA1], {{Lp, 2.64*^-27}, {PCPA1, 4.38*^-31}}, t] During evaluation of In[42]:= NDSolve::nderr: Error test failure at t \ == 4.159268807727241`*^-6; unable to continue. >> Out[43]= {Lp -> 8.55856*10^-28, PCPA1 -> -3.67101*10^-17} hth -- V.Astanoff