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OneStepTopReduction in System` Context in Mathematica 6+?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108490] OneStepTopReduction in System` Context in Mathematica 6+?
  • From: hemmecke <hemmecke at>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 02:44:29 -0500 (EST)


I'd like to understand the behaviour of the following program foo.m.
It seems to have different semantics in Mathematica 5.2 vs. Mathematica 6/7.

---rhxBEGIN foo.m
Print["Context0: ", $Context];
Print["ContextPath0: ", $ContextPath];
Foo::usage = "blah blah";
Foo[] := Module[
    Print["Context: ", $Context];
    Print["ContextPath: ", $ContextPath];
    Print["0: ", Options[RowReduce]];
    method = Options[RowReduce, Method];
    Print["1: ", method];
    SetOptions[RowReduce, Method -> OneStepRowReduction];
    Print["2: ", Options[RowReduce]];
---rhxEND foo.m

When I execute that in Mathematica 5.2, I get

Mathematica 5.2 for Linux
Copyright 1988-2005 Wolfram Research, Inc.
 -- Motif graphics initialized --

In[1]:= <<foo.m
Context0: Global`
ContextPath0: {Global`, System`}

In[2]:= Foo[]
Context: Global`
ContextPath: {A`, Global`, System`}
0: {Method -> Automatic, Modulus -> 0, Tolerance -> Automatic,

>    ZeroTest -> Automatic}
1: {Method -> Automatic}
2: {Method -> OneStepRowReduction, Modulus -> 0, Tolerance ->

>    ZeroTest -> Automatic}

However, in Mathematica 6 and 7 t's like this:

Mathematica 6.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit)
Copyright 1988-2007 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= <<foo.m
Context0: Global`
ContextPath0: {WebServices`, System`, Global`}

In[2]:= Foo[]
Context: Global`
ContextPath: {A`, WebServices`, System`, Global`}
0: {Method -> Automatic, Modulus -> 0, Tolerance -> Automatic,

>    ZeroTest -> Automatic}
1: {Method -> Automatic}
2: {Method -> A`Private`OneStepRowReduction, Modulus -> 0,

>    Tolerance -> Automatic, ZeroTest -> Automatic}

The difference is in the line starting with "2:".
Only when I replace OneStepTopReduction in foo.m by
System`OneStepTopReduction then the output in Mathematica 6 and 7 will be
identical to what Mathematica 5.2 says. Why?

OneStepTopReduction lives in the System` context (I guess). So, since
the $ContexPath includes System`, Mathematica should find that symbol there
and not create it in A`Private`. What's wrong here?


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