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Re: Can one have different Coloring to show which local symbols are

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108730] Re: Can one have different Coloring to show which local symbols are
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 06:57:14 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hoklkh$so0$>

Hi Nasser,
here is a function that may help you. I would like to pay tribute to the 
one who deserves it, but its too long ago that I got this and I can no 
more remember who it was.
The code classifies variables according to use:

(*shows used variable sorted according to type*)

ClassifyVariables[func_Symbol] := Module[{const, dv, sym, param, locVar, 
locVar2, gloVar,hsVar, pat, temp,exc},
       (*exc = HoldForm /@ Join[Union[Head /@ ToExpression[Names[]]], 
{Head, Constant, Pattern}];*) (*heads*)
       const = HoldForm /@ ToExpression[Select[Names[], 
MemberQ[Attributes[#], Constant] &]]; (*system constants*)
       dv=ToExpression["DownValues["<>ToString[func]<>"]"]; (*DownValues*)
       sym = Complement[Cases[dv, x_Symbol :> HoldForm[x], Infinity], 
const]; (*Symbols - constants*)
       param = Union[Cases[					(*parameters*)
           DownValues[func][[All, 1]], x_Pattern :> ToExpression["HoldForm[
               " <> StringTake[temp = ToString[x], StringPosition[temp, 
"_"][[1, 1]] - 1] <> "]"], Infinity]];
       locVar = Union[Cases[dv, 					(*local variables*)
           HoldPattern[Module[vl_List, _]] :> (Map[HoldForm, 
HoldForm[vl], {2}][[1]] /. HoldPattern[Set[v_, _]] :> v), Infinity] 
       temp = Cases[dv, HoldPattern[Module[_List, b_]] :> HoldForm[b], 
Infinity] //Flatten; (*body*)
       locVar2 = Complement[locVar, Union[Cases[temp, x_Symbol :> 
HoldForm[x], Infinity]]]; (*all local variables not in body*)
       (*pat = Complement[Cases[Cases[temp,
              x_Pattern :> HoldForm[x], Infinity], x_Symbol :> 
HoldForm[x], Infinity], exc]; (*pattern in body*)
       hsVar = {}; (*Union[Join[pat, Cases[dv, {s_Symbol, _ , 
_?NumericQ} :> HoldForm[s], Infinity]]];*) (*HiddenScopeVariables????*)
       gloVar = Complement[sym, param, locVar, hsVar, const (*, exc*)]; 
  (*global variables*)
       {Parameters -> param, LocalVariables -> locVar, 
GlobalVariablesUsed -> gloVar,
       LocalVariablesNotUsed -> locVar2(*, HiddenScopeVariables -> 
hsVar*)} // TableForm

On 27.03.2010 11:11, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
> Hello;
> Many times when I write some module, I add local symbols, then later I might
> change the code and those symbols will no longer be used.
> For example
> f[x_]:=Module[{a,b},...  a=...; ....]
> Suppose that 'a' is still used, but 'b' is not used inside the module. Both
> will be colored green as things are now.
> It would be nice, if a new color is made for symbols that are local, but NOT
> used, i.e not referenced.
> This way, after some long editing session, and I need to clean the code, I
> can simply remove those local symbols declaration more easily, by remove the
> symbols with the new color.
> Right now, I have to check for each symbol, one by one, by doing Find, to
> see if I am still using it or not.
> In practice, I normally like to write small functions, so this is not a
> problem, as I can easily see which symbol is used or not, but sometimes, I
> have to write a large function, and I notice the need for this feature.
> May be this feature can be added to version 8? (Unless one can do this now
> in version 7, which I am not aware of).
> --Nasser


Daniel Huber
Metrohm Ltd.
Oberdorfstr. 68
CH-9100 Herisau
Tel. +41 71 353 8585, Fax +41 71 353 8907
E-Mail:<mailto:dh at>

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