Re: Transformation of 3D Objects to 2D Parallel-projection
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg108760] Re: Transformation of 3D Objects to 2D Parallel-projection
- From: Peter Breitfeld <phbrf at>
- Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 05:03:05 -0500 (EST)
- References: <hopuvb$r5l$>
With the help of dh and Mark I'm now near to what I wanted. My definitions are: Definitions of the projection of some primitives: Clear[SBProj] SBProj[{x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ}] :={y - x/2, z - x/2}; SBProj[ll_List] := SBProj /@ ll; SBProj[Point[pts_]] := Point[SBProj[pts]]; SBProj[Line[x_]] := Line[SBProj[x]]; SBProj[Arrow[x_]] := Arrow[SBProj[x]]; SBProj[Polygon[x_, opts___]] := Polygon[SBProj[x], opts]; SBProj[x_] := x; Transforming a 3D to a 2D graphic: Clear[SBGraph]; SBRule = { Point[x_] :> SBProj[Point[x]], Line[x_] :> SBProj[Line[x]], Arrow[x_] :> SBProj[Arrow[x]], Polygon[x_, opts___] :> SBProj[Polygon[x, opts]]}; SBGraph[gr_] := Module[{pr = gr[[1]]}, If[Head[pr] === GraphicsComplex, pr = pr //. GraphicsComplex[x_, y__] :> Normal[GraphicsComplex[x, y]]]; pr = DeleteCases[pr, Rule[VertexNormals, _], Infinity]; pr /. SBRule] I think I had to Delete the VertexNormals options, because 2D-Polynoms don't like this option My routine to show the graphic: Clear[SBZeichne] Options[SBZeichne] = Options[Graphics]; SetOptions[SBZeichne, Axes -> True, AspectRatio -> Automatic]; SBZeichne[ grSB_List, {xmin_, xmax_, dx_: 2}, {ymin_, ymax_, dy_: 1}, {zmin_, zmax_, dz_: 1}, dd_: 0.6, opt : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{t, xSc, xLL, ySc, yLL, zSc, zLL, optA}, optA = OptionValue[Axes]; xSc = {}; xLL = {}; ySc = {}; yLL = {}; zSc = {}; zLL = {}; If[optA == True, xSc = Table[{Line[{t = SBProj[{i, 0, 0}], t + {-0.07, 0}}], Text[Style[ToString[i], FontSize -> 9], t, {-2, 0.5}]}, {i, Ceiling[xmin], Floor[xmax], dx}]; xSc = DeleteCases[xSc, Text[_, {0, 0}, __], \[Infinity]]; xLL = Arrow[{SBProj[{xmin, 0, 0}], SBProj[{xmax + 2 dd, 0, 0}]}]; ySc = Table[{Line[{{i, 0}, {i, 0.07}}], Text[Style[ToString[i], FontSize -> 9], {i, 0}, {0, 1.2}]}, {i, Ceiling[ymin], Floor[ymax], dy}]; ySc = DeleteCases[ySc, Text[_, {0, 0}, __], \[Infinity]]; yLL = Arrow[{{ymin, 0}, {ymax + dd, 0}}]; zSc = Table[{Line[{{0, i}, {-0.07, i}}], Text[Style[ToString[i], FontSize -> 9], {0, i}, {-2, 0}]}, {i, Ceiling[zmin], Floor[zmax], dz}]; zSc = DeleteCases[zSc, Text[_, {0, 0}, __]]; zSc = DeleteCases[zSc, Text[_, {0, 0}, __], \[Infinity]]; zLL = Arrow[{{0, zmin}, {0, zmax + dd}}]; ]; Show[Graphics[{grSB, xLL, xSc, yLL, ySc, zLL, zSc}], Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {{Min[ymin, -(xmax + 2 dd)/2.], Max[ymax + dd, -xmin/2.]}, {Min[zmin, -(xmax + 2 dd)/2.], Max[zmax + dd, -xmin/2]}}, Flatten[{opt, Options[SBPlot]}]] ] This works fine for all examples which aren't GraphicsComplex, e.g.: This works fine, including Thickness and Color: test = Graphics3D[{Thick, Blue, Line[{{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}, {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}, {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 1}}, {{0, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}}}]}]; SBZeichne[SBGraph[test], {0, 1, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}, 0.2] This one too: p = ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[t], Sin[t], t/(2 \[Pi])}, {t, 0, 8 \[Pi]}, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Thickness[0.02]}]; SBZeichne[SBGraph[p], {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {0, 4.1}] But, this one (a GraphicsComplex) shows the plane, but only in black with some white Mesh-lines. I hoped to be able to preserve the Mesh and (blue) coloring from the original Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex] when displaying it with SBZeichne: gr = Plot3D[x + y, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}]; SBZeichne[SBGraph[gr], {0, 5}, {0, 5}, {0, 5}] What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks for your help Peter Mark McClure wrote: > On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Peter Breitfeld <phbrf at> wrote: >> I wrote some routines to map 3D-coordinates to 2D using the >> transformation >> proj[{x_,y_,z_}]:={y-x/2,z-x/2} >> >> But this doesn't work for all kind of 3D-objects. >> ... >> So my question: Is it possible to have routines, which will work on any >> kind of 3D-primitives including Cuboid[], Cylinder[] etc, which will >> preserve Thickness, Color etc > > I'd suggest that you use patterns to write a different version of proj > for each primitive that you want to work with. Thus, you might have > some lines like the following. > > proj[{x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ}] := {y - x/2, z - x/2}; > proj[list_List] := proj /@ list; > proj[Point[pts_]] := Point[proj[pts]]; > proj[Line[x_]] := Line[proj[x]]; > proj[Arrow[x_]] := Arrow[proj[x]]; > proj[Polygon[x_, pOpts___]] := Polygon[proj[x], pOpts]; > > To deal with something like Cylinder or Cuboid, you'll need to > translate it two an appropriate 2D primitive to represent the > projection. You might deal with a Cuboid like so > > Needs["ComputationalGeometry`"]; > proj[Cuboid[{xmin_, ymin_, zmin_}, {xmax_, ymax_, zmax_}]] := > Module[{}, > vv = Tuples[{{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}, {zmin, zmax}}]; > projected = proj[vv]; > Polygon[projected[[ConvexHull[projected]]]]]; > proj[Cuboid[{xmin_, ymin_, zmin_}]] := proj[Cuboid[{xmin, ymin, zmin}, > {xmin + 1, ymin + 1, zmin + 1}]]; > > At the end of it all, include > > proj[x_] := x; > > to ignore everything else, such as Graphics directives. Here's an > example that might or might not illustrate the idea. > > pic3D = Graphics3D[primitives = { > {Thick, Line[{{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}, {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1}}, > {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 1}}, {{0, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}}}]}, > {Opacity[0.5], Cuboid[{1/4, 1/4, 1/4}, {3/4, 3/4, 3/4}]}}]; > pic2D = Graphics[proj[primitives]]; > GraphicsRow[{pic3D, pic2D}] > > Dealing with GraphicsComplex is easier in some ways. Since it has the form > > GraphicsComplex[points, primitives] > > you simply map proj onto the points. But you'll need to extract > Cuboids, Cylinders, Spheres and such (perhaps using Cases) to deal > with them separately. > > Hope that helps, > Mark McClure > -- _________________________________________________________________ Peter Breitfeld, Bad Saulgau, Germany --