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Problem with Nminimize

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109720] Problem with Nminimize
  • From: Ala <amodarre at>
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 07:25:43 -0400 (EDT)

I have some questions. How could I reduce computation time during
working with Nminimize. I mean how to change tolerance or something
like this. Is that possible to interrupt the calculation after 2 days in order to give some values? (in some optimization programs it is possible to have not very desired results by interrupting of calculation.)
Another one is that I would like to build graphically a heat exchanger network by mathematica where there are many equations and inequalities. In other words, you have to minimize total annual cost of heat excahnger network by means of function Nminimize. How could I build grid diagram like as below link which works interactively to linear programming. Is there the possibility to develop this network using mathematica? <>

I wanna create a table which has some cells as checkbox that work 
dynamically. Unfortunately i did not find any documentations about 
dynamic function and array together such as Dynamic[Xi]. Could you help 
me to create dynamically checkbox for each table cell? An example is 

best regards

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