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how about removing some of the restriction on the free player input?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg113825] how about removing some of the restriction on the free player input?
  • From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 06:10:42 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: nma at

I just wrote a demo to help show how fast the sparse array linear
solver in Mathematica 7 is by using it to directly solve a 2D Poisson
PDE by finite difference method on a unit square with arbitrary
Dirichlet boundary conditions on the 4 sides of the square.

One can select the grid size and the boundary conditions, and
the forcing functions, and the numerical solution is displayed in
3D. It is a very fast solver, and RAM requirments are kep low,
even if the grid size gets too large, thanks to Mathematica
sparse arrays.

I also have made other demos using iterative solvers.

The problem is that one can't type in any forcing function they would
like to use for the RHS of the pde, since Keyboard entry to text
fields is not allowed in the free player

This means the author of a demo has to pre-define few typical
forcing functions and the user will have to select which one to use
out of these only. Any parameters to use in the definition of the
function, needs to have slides for them to allow on to choose the

This is all very restrictive, since it will not allow the user to
experiment more by typing any other function they want to try. It
will be much easier and better if the user just typed in the function
they want. If the input is invalid, ok, it is a user fault, they
will try again to enter a valid Function according to Mathematica

The point is, having no text field for entry makes writing more
useful and more educational demos less interesting.

Is it possible to remove this restriction at least from the free
player? Otherwise, the demo I wrote is not going to be too much
useful if the user can only select few predefined forcing functions
to use.

I know WRI wants to sell more pro-player copies and that is why
they have this restriction on the free player, but If WRI wants to
make the demo project more useful, and make Mathematica more
popular, they should remove such restrictions on the free player.


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