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Re: Does activating 8 disable 7?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg113908] Re: Does activating 8 disable 7?
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:02:10 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 05:27:44 -0500 (EST), AES wrote:
> Mathematica 8 arrived yesterday (that is, I downloaded the 1 GB disk
> image which I get for free through Premier Service).
> I'm just starting the drawn-out process of moving from a 2007-vintage
> MacBook running Leopard to a newly purchased MacBook Pro running Snow
> Leopard, doing this one app at a time rather than via a batch
> "migration" in the hope of leaving behind all the cruft that may have
> accumulated in the older MacBook during three previous system upgrades.
> If I install and activate Mathematica 8 on the new MacBook Pro (only),
> will that somehow disable or deactivate the copy of Mathematica 7 that's
> been left behind on the old MacBook (both Macs talk to our household
> WiFi LAN)?

No, but since it's a single license intended for a single machine, simultaneous
usage would probably violate the license agreement.

> Or will it maybe just block one of them from starting up any time the
> other is running?

No, that won't happen, either.  If the two licenses were on the same system, it
would not allow you to run more copies of Mathematica.  I.e., you're limited to
two copies running simultaneously, regardless of what version they are.  But
it's not going to go out and sniff the network for other copies.

Once version 8 is activated on the new system, you should be able to run v7 on
the new system without a problem (i.e., v7 will be enabled by the v8
activation).  I'd suggest using this route for migration rather than keeping v7
on one system and v8 on the other.  You won't accidentally violate the license
agreement, and it should just work.

> I'd like to have an overlap period during which the older machine is
> still usable while the newer machine gets up to speed.


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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