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Re: Mathematica 8 is now available

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg113907] Re: Mathematica 8 is now available
  • From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:01:57 -0500 (EST)

Good luck!

On 11/17/2010 5:29 AM, fd wrote:
> Hello There.
> I would be interested to know if I could find the list of bugs in V7
> which were fixed in V8.
> Best
> On Nov 16, 9:06 pm, Wolfram Research<newsd... at>  wrote:
>> Wolfram Research Introduces Unique Concept of Linguistically
>> Controlled Computing
>> New Mathematica 8 Integrates Wolfram|Alpha - One of More Than 500
>> New Features
>> November 15, 2010--Wolfram Research today announced the release
>> of Mathematica 8, the latest version of its flagship computation,
>> development, and deployment platform that introduces the
>> breakthrough concept of linguistically controlled computing.
>> Integrating technology of Wolfram|Alpha, the Mathematica-powered
>> computational knowledge engine, makes it possible to enter math
>> or data calculations in plain English and get immediate answers
>> or start an extensive analysis.
>> "Traditionally, getting computers to perform tasks requires
>> speaking their language or using point-and-click interfaces. One
>> requires learning syntax, the other limits scope of accessible
>> functions," said Stephen Wolfram, CEO and Founder of Wolfram
>> Research. "Free-form linguistics understands human language and
>> translates it into syntax-a breakthrough in usability.
>> Mathematica 8 is the start of this initiative, but already it is
>> making a real difference to user productivity."
>> Free-form input is a new entry point into the Mathematica
>> idea-to-deployment workflow, but Mathematica 8 adds a major new
>> endpoint too: generation of C code and standalone executables.
>> Using Mathematica, organizations no longer have to rely on
>> separate tools for prototyping and deployment, but can complete
>> the entire workflow with one integrated tool.
>> "It's amazing that you can start with free-form linguistic input,
>> model or prototype, and end up with a high-performance standalone
>> program or library...all within Mathematica 8's comprehensive
>> workflow," said Tom Wickham-Jones, Director of Kernel Technology
>> at Wolfram Research.
>> Even with these major enhancements at either end of the workflow,
>> the most significant additions in Mathematica 8 are the more than
>> 500 new functions in many new and extended application areas,
>> including:
>> * Probability and statistics: largest collection of statistical
>> distributions and automatic high-level solvers including
>> parameter estimation
>> * Software development: built-in GPU support, automatic code
>> generation and linking, multicore parallelism, and standalone
>> code deployment
>> * Engineering: integrated control systems and wavelet analysis
>> * Graphs and networks: extensive built-in support for the new
>> science of networks
>> * Finance: built-in option pricing solvers, financial indicators,
>> and charts
>> * Image processing: enhanced image analysis capabilities, such as
>> feature detection
>> "In all of these domains, you will find dramatic depth of
>> coverage," stated Roger Germundsson, Director of Research&
>> Development at Wolfram Research. "The functions are designed to
>> work together seamlessly across different domains which allows
>> combining them in new and innovative ways."
>> "Rather than build individual spikes of functionality provided by
>> traditional specialist tools, Mathematica's concept is based on
>> building up the complete mountain range," said Conrad Wolfram,
>> Director of Strategic Development at Wolfram Research. "It's this
>> broad functionality across a wide area that enabled us to build
>> state-of-the-art application areas such as statistics and
>> probability so quickly for Mathematica 8."
>> Availability
>> Mathematica 8 is available immediately for Windows XP/Vista/7,
>> Mac OS X, Linux x86, and compatible systems. More product details
>> are available on the Mathematica website:
> ca
>> NOTE: Mathematica users with Premier Service will receive an
>> email in the next few days with instructions on how to download
>> their free upgrades.

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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