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Re: Why does this pattern fail to match?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg114164] Re: Why does this pattern fail to match?
  • From: Simon <simonjtyler at>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 05:25:52 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <iclfej$lb7$>

Actually, Trace is quite enlightening:

Your first example is
In[1]:= MatchQ[Times[-1, Power[s, -1]], Times[___, Power[___],
___]] // Trace
Out[2]= {{{Power[___],___},___ ___ ___,___^3},MatchQ[-(1/

So you see that before the pattern is tested, it is evaluated to
Times[___, Power[___], ___] ___^3
Since Power[___] _-> ___ and ___*___*___ --> ___^3
So all you need to do is use HoldPattern:
Out[2]= True

Hope that helps,


On Nov 25, 6:57 pm, kj <no.em... at> wrote:
> I'm tearing my hair out over this one.  Could someone please explain
> to me why all the following MatchQ expressions
> MatchQ[Times[ -1, Power[s, -1]      ],
>        Times[___, Power[___],    ___]]
> MatchQ[Times[ -1, Power[s, -1]],
>        Times[___, Power[___]  ]]
> MatchQ[Times[ -1,  Power[s, -1]      ],
>        Times[___, _Power        , ___]]
> return False?  (In all cases, s is undefined).  And yet, this succeed=
> MatchQ[Times[ -1,  Power[s, -1]],
>        Times[___, _Power       ]]
> Is there a systematic way to debug/troubleshoot such pattern matching
> problems? Trace is useless here.
> Also, whatever the reason is for the failure of this pattern to
> match, where is this reason documented?  I've gone blind poring
> over the documentation trying to find an answer, without success.
> TIA!
> ~kj

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