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Re: Can't read a package

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg114216] Re: Can't read a package
  • From: juan flores <juanfie at>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 03:37:49 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ico262$njg$>

On Nov 26, 4:29 am, James Stein <ja... at> wrote:
> I am very frustrated that, after a year with Mathematica, I still cannot
> create and use packages. I must be missing something elementary.
> Here is what I have attempted.  I think there is just one missing part:
> Step 1: "write" a package:
> In the tutorial "Setting Up Mathematica Packages" there is source for the
> sample package "Collatz.m". I copied that source and pasted it into a new
> Mathematica file, then used the "Save As" command to save the file as a
> package, naming it "collatz.m" and placing it in a folder called packages.
> Step 2: Try to use the package:
> 1. I create a new Mathematica notebook file, put the following five lines in
> it, and save it as "collatz.nb" alongside "collatz.m":
> SetDirectory["~/desktop/MathNoteBooks/packages"];
> FileNames[]
> PrependTo[$Path, Directory[]]
> (* missing step; neither << collatz.m nor Import["collatz.m"] works *)
> Collatz[5] (* 'Collatz' remains undefined *)
> Missing Step:
> Executing the above code, the output from "FileNames" shows that both files
> exist in the directory.  So what code should replace the fourth line above?
> Or have I gone astray elsewhere?

Try this:

It was collected from several sources and taken to work on Mathematica 7.0



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