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Re: suggestions for version control or backup systems?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg112927] Re: suggestions for version control or backup systems?
  • From: Simon <simonjtyler at>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 03:15:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <i8c8sa$g7l$>

On Oct 4, 9:04 pm, Sebastian <sebho... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been searching for a way to keep my nb-files in a version control
> or backup system for a while now. At the moment I'm using bzr but I'm
> not satified with it, as I managed to screw up my repository 2 times
> now. I'm considering to move to git or mercurial as they may be more
> suited to handle binary files.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? How do you all handle your notebook
> files?
> Cheers
> Sebastian

I think that git is probably the best version control system out there
at the moment (though I think bazaar and mercurial are also good).
Anyway, it's hard to argue with Linus!

If you've got a large project, it might be best to work on the package
file (.m) separately - as opposed to auto-generating it from a
notebook. Then version control is quite simple, as there is less
automatically generated metadata.  Also, maybe consider using Wolfram
Workbench (based on eclipse).

As for the notebook, to prevent too many changes being logged and
reduce the number of merge issues you should turn off the notebook options
TrackCellChangeTimes and FileOutlineCache -- they can be found in the
option inspector.
You could also use the script at

Finally you should go to
and vote up the accepted answer!


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