Re: double loop
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg113019] Re: double loop
- From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
- Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 05:16:36 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i8s5f9$93p$>
- Reply-to: nma at
On 10/10/2010 3:44 AM, maria giovanna dainotti wrote: > Dear All, > I cleared up the notebook but when I plot the picture I don't recover the > contour plot desidered. The colours should be the different correlation > coefficient and it is not the case. > I will be grateful if you could help > Maria >  > h=0.71 > ckms=299792.5 > HubE[z_,Om_,Ol_]:=SQRT(Om*(1+z)^3+Ol)dL[z_,Om_,Ol_,h_]:=3.0856*1018*106*ckms/(100*h)*(1+z)*NIntegrate[1/HubE[z,Om,Ol],{z,0,z},MaxRecursion > > ->100] > TabOmegalambda=Table[i,{i,0.1,1.1,0.05}] > TabOmegaM=Table[i,{i,0.0,1.0,0.05}] I can't help you on the code below now. I just want to make a comment on the above code. I think it is better to change the above table commands so they do not use floats. Look at the difference In[168]:= N[TabOmegaM=Table[i,{i,0.0,1.0,0.05}],$MachinePrecision] Out[168]= {0., 0.05, 0.1, 0.15000000000000002, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30000000000000004, 0.35000000000000003, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6000000000000001, 0.65, 0.7000000000000001, 0.75, 0.8, 0.8500000000000001, 0.9, 0.9500000000000001, 1.} vs. In[167]:= N[TabOmegaM=Table[i,{i,0,1,1/20}],$MachinePrecision] Out[167]= { 0, 0.05000000000000000, 0.1000000000000000, 0.1500000000000000, 0.2000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.3000000000000000, 0.3500000000000000, 0.4000000000000000, 0.4500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000, 0.5500000000000000, 0.6000000000000000, 0.6500000000000000, 0.7000000000000000, 0.7500000000000000, 0.8000000000000000, 0.8500000000000000, 0.9000000000000000, 0.950000000000000, 1.000000000000000} You see the difference? Those Units of Least Precision (ULP) differences can sometimes end up accumulating and might cause more differences in later computation. Always *try* to use exact numbers, (this is the advantage of using a CAS system, so use it), until to the very end, or until when one must use floats (may be for speed or printing, etc...) > LxOmegalambda={}; > Do[ > Ol=TabOmegalambda[[k]]; > LxOmegaM={}; > Do[ > Om=TabOmegaM[[j]]; > DataGood={}; > Do[ > idGRB=Dataspectrum[[i,1]]; > z=Dataspectrum[[i,2]]; > Espectrum=Dataspectrum[[i,3]]; > Fx=Dataspectrum[[i,4]]; > beta=Dataspectrum[[i,5]]; > EisonewOm=4*p*dL[z,Om,Ol,h]2*(1+z)-2*Espectrum; > Lx=4*p*dL[z,Om,Ol,h]2*(1+z)-(1+beta)*Fx; > AppendTo[DataGood,{EisonewOm,Lx,z,idGRB,Om,O�}],{i,1,Length[Dataspectrum]}]; > CLxEiso=N[Correlation[DataGood[[All,1]],DataGood[[All,2]]]]; > AppendTo[LxOmegaM,{Om,Ol,CLxEiso}],{j,1,Length[TabOmegaM]}]; > If[Ol+Om<2.2,AppendTo[LxOmegalambda,{LxOmegaM}]],{k,1,Length[TabOmegalambda]}] > Flatten[LxOmegalambda,2] > ListContourPlot[Flatten[LxOmegalambda,2],PlotRange > ->All,FrameLabel > ->{"Omega_M ","Omega_lambda"}] > --Nasser