Re: FindRoots?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112129] Re: FindRoots?
- From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
- Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 06:27:26 -0400 (EDT)
Now that Daniel has shown the way here is a slightly reformulated form of his routine that provides a single convenient command that should handle most cases. The precision of the real variables in the calculation can be specified. I don't know if the Reduce options would ever come into play here, but I allowed for them. I also allowed control of messages from Reduce with the default being Quiet because most of the time we wouldn't want to see the warnings. Finally I allowed a wrapper function for Reduce for cases such as the zeros of zeta example. ClearAll[RealFunctionRoots]; RealFunctionRoots::usage = "RealFunctionRoots[lhs \[Equal] rhs, {var, low, high}, precision, \ messages, wrapper] will return roots of the equation in the specified \ real domain.\nprecision specifies the precision of real variables to \ be used in the calculation and display, The default is \ MachinePrecision.\nmessages is a function, default Quiet, that \ controls messages from the routine.\nwrapper is a function, default \ Identity, that wraps the Reduce statement. It can be used to \ implement extra specification for the Reduce routine.\nOptions for \ Reduce may be passed."; Options[RealFunctionRoots] = Options[Reduce]; SyntaxInformation[ RealFunctionRoots] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_, {_, _, _}, _., _., \ _., OptionsPattern[]}}; RealFunctionRoots[equation_, {x_, low_, high_}, precision : (_Integer?Positive | MachinePrecision) : MachinePrecision, messagewrapper : (_Function | _Symbol) : Quiet, wrapperfunction_: Identity, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{work, equationp, lowp, highp}, {equationp, lowp, highp} = {equation, low, high} /. r_Real :> SetPrecision[r, precision]; work = messagewrapper@ wrapperfunction@Reduce[{equationp, lowp <= x <= highp}, opts]; work = {ToRules[work]}; N[work, precision]] Here are some of the examples. f1[x_] := Sin[4 x] - (x + 1)/8 Plot[f1[x], {x, -13, 12}] RealFunctionRoots[f1[x] == 0, {x, -13, 12}, 30] f1[x] /. % f2[x_] := If[x < 3/2, Sqrt[3/2 - x] - Exp[-4 x], 2 x Exp[-x]] Plot[f2[x], {x, -25, 25}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 2.0}, {-2, 2}}] RealFunctionRoots[f2[x] == 0, {x, -25, 25}, 30] f2[x] /. % f3[x_] := Exp[x - \[Pi]] - (1 - \[Pi] + x) Plot[f3[x], {x, -3, 4}, PlotRange -> Automatic] RealFunctionRoots[f3[x] == 0, {x, -3, 4}, 40] f3[x] /. % f4[x_] := (1.5 - Erf[x] - Erf[2 - x]) Exp[-Abs[x - 1]] Plot[f4[x], {x, -400, 200}, PlotRange -> {{0, 2}, Automatic}] RealFunctionRoots[f4[x] == 0, {x, -400, 200}, 40] f4[x] /. % f5[x_] := 3.2 - 3 Cos[x] - Exp[-(x - 8 \[Pi])^2] - Exp[-(x - 14 \[Pi])^2] Plot[f5[x], {x, 0, 30 \[Pi]}, PlotRange -> {{0, 30 \[Pi]}, Automatic}] RealFunctionRoots[f5[x] == 0, {x, 0, 30 \[Pi]}, 30] f5[x] /. % f6[x_] := Piecewise[{{Sqrt[Abs[x] - 1.2], x <= 1.4}}, Indeterminate] Plot[f6[x], {x, -8, 8}, PlotRange -> {Full, {-1, 1}}, MaxRecursion -> 4, PlotPoints -> 25] RealFunctionRoots[f6[x] == 0, {x, -8, 8}, 30] f6[x] /. % We might try the zeta function and find it involves a constant and doesn't return the desired roots. RealFunctionRoots[Zeta[1/2 + I y] == 0, {y, 0, 257}] Then, if we were smart enough to think of Exist and Resolves, we could use the wrapper version: RealFunctionRoots[Zeta[1/2 + I y] == 0, {y, 0, 257}, 30, Quiet, Resolve[Exists[C[1], #]] &] Zeta[1/2 + I y] /. % // Chop[#, 10.^-27] & Here is a type of equation that one gets in single reaction chemical equilibrium equations, where y is the reaction extent and 0 and 1 are the extent boundaries for positive reactant concentrations. Using FindRoot on such functions is quite iffy because the solution is often very close to a boundary point and there are often non-useful roots on the other side. RealFunctionRoots[(4 y^2)/((2 - 2 y)^2 (2 - y)) == 100000, {y, 0, 1}, 30] (4 y^2)/((2 - 2 y)^2 (2 - y)) == 100000 /. % Just playing around of course. So don't worry Andrzej, us kiddies will stay in the sandbox and out of the way of the real professionals. David Park djmpark at From: Daniel Lichtblau [mailto:danl at] David Park wrote: > Install Ted Ersek's package RootSearch from: > > > > I don't know why Wolfram doesn't acquire the rights to this package and > incorporate it as part of regular Mathematica. Finding all the roots of a > real function on a 1-dimensional domain is the most common case of root > finding, and it is the one thing regular Mathematica is very poor at. Ted's > package is quite robust and returns all the roots in order. > > > David Park > djmpark at > > > > > From: Sam Takoy [mailto:sam.takoy at] > > Hi, > > Is there a command for numerically finding all roots of a function in a > given interval. If not, what's the best way of accomplishing this task? > > Many thanks in advance, > > Sam If I instead define RootSearch to use Reduce, as below, it handles quite well all the examples from the Examples section of RootSearchExamples.nb. I show them below. I modified one to use Piecewise instead of a condition, and for the last I use Reduce directly to get an expanded form of the solution set. I think Mathematica is quite good at this sort of thing, actually. Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research ------------------------------- In[33]:= RootSearch[ eqn_, {x_, lo_, hi_}] := {ToRules[Reduce[{eqn, lo <= x <= hi}]]} In[34]:= f1[x_] := Sin[4 x] - (x + 1)/8 RootSearch[f1[x] == 0, {x, -13, 12}] Out[35]= {{x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -8.3482893782997216496}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -8.1289315341182707392}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -6.8629511940895252882}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -6.4714706256130258036}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -5.3539165396979340111}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -4.8374622685220237568}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -3.8363831890811367726}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -3.21161777565464349626}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -2.3149160596763252331}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -1.58922633877627429127}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, -0.79190196071777069054}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 0.032351189053103634282}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 0.73087710353047892233}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 1.65538160232955244046}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 2.2515547207396359640}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 3.2828240626757282491}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 3.7673870629720211202}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 4.9206885635879098258}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 5.2724915094753945872}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 6.5961054327905341135}]}, {x -> Root[{1 - 8 Sin[4 #1] + #1 &, 6.7398184613474433969}]}} In[36]:= f2[x_] := If[x < 3/2, Sqrt[3/2 - x] - Exp[-4 x], 2* x Exp[-x]] RootSearch[f2[x] == 0, {x, -25, 25}] Out[37]= {{x -> Root[{-Sqrt[2] + E^(4 #1) Sqrt[3 - 2 #1] &, -0.055200564731044670903}]}, {x -> Root[{-Sqrt[2] + E^(4 #1) Sqrt[3 - 2 #1] &, 1.49999385548561363888}]}} In[38]:= RootSearch[Exp[x - \[Pi]] == 1 - \[Pi] + x, {x, -3, 4}] Out[38]= {{x -> \[Pi]}} In[39]:= f4[x_] := (1.5 - Erf[x] - Erf[2 - x]) Exp[-Abs[x - 1]] RootSearch[f4[x] == 0, {x, -400, 200}] During evaluation of In[39]:= Reduce::ratnz: Reduce was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. >> Out[40]= {{x -> 0.517891}, {x -> 1.48211}} In[41]:= f5[x_] := 3.2 - 3*Cos[x] - Exp[-(x - 8 \[Pi])^2] - Exp[-(x - 14 \[Pi])^2] s5 = RootSearch[f5[x] == 0, {x, 0, 30 \[Pi]}] During evaluation of In[41]:= Reduce::ratnz: Reduce was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. >> Out[42]= {{x -> 24.5432}, {x -> 25.7223}, {x -> 43.3928}, {x -> 44.5718}} In[43]:= f6[x_] := Piecewise[{{ Sqrt[Abs[x] - 1.2], x <= 1.4}}, Indeterminate] RootSearch[f6[x] == 0, {x, -8, 8}] During evaluation of In[43]:= Reduce::ratnz: Reduce was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. >> Out[44]= {{x -> -1.2}, {x -> 1.2}} In[45]:= RootSearch[Zeta[1/2 + I y] == 0, {y, 0, 237}] Out[45]= {ToRules[ C[1] \[Element] Integers && 1 <= C[1] <= 100 && y == -(1/2) I (-1 + 2 ZetaZero[C[1]])]} In[48]:= explicitsol = Resolve[Exists[C[1], Reduce[{Zeta[1/2 + I y] == 0, 0 <= y <= 237}, y]]] Out[48]= y == Im[ZetaZero[1]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[2]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[3]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[4]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[5]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[6]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[7]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[8]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[9]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[10]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[11]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[12]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[13]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[14]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[15]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[16]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[17]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[18]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[19]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[20]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[21]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[22]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[23]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[24]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[25]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[26]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[27]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[28]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[29]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[30]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[31]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[32]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[33]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[34]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[35]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[36]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[37]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[38]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[39]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[40]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[41]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[42]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[43]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[44]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[45]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[46]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[47]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[48]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[49]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[50]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[51]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[52]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[53]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[54]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[55]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[56]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[57]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[58]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[59]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[60]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[61]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[62]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[63]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[64]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[65]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[66]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[67]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[68]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[69]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[70]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[71]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[72]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[73]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[74]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[75]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[76]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[77]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[78]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[79]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[80]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[81]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[82]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[83]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[84]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[85]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[86]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[87]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[88]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[89]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[90]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[91]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[92]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[93]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[94]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[95]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[96]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[97]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[98]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[99]] || y == Im[ZetaZero[100]] In[49]:= N[explicitsol] Out[49]= y == 14.1347 || y == 21.022 || y == 25.0109 || y == 30.4249 || y == 32.9351 || y == 37.5862 || y == 40.9187 || y == 43.3271 || y == 48.0052 || y == 49.7738 || y == 52.9703 || y == 56.4462 || y == 59.347 || y == 60.8318 || y == 65.1125 || y == 67.0798 || y == 69.5464 || y == 72.0672 || y == 75.7047 || y == 77.1448 || y == 79.3374 || y == 82.9104 || y == 84.7355 || y == 87.4253 || y == 88.8091 || y == 92.4919 || y == 94.6513 || y == 95.8706 || y == 98.8312 || y == 101.318 || y == 103.726 || y == 105.447 || y == 107.169 || y == 111.03 || y == 111.875 || y == 114.32 || y == 116.227 || y == 118.791 || y == 121.37 || y == 122.947 || y == 124.257 || y == 127.517 || y == 129.579 || y == 131.088 || y == 133.498 || y == 134.757 || y == 138.116 || y == 139.736 || y == 141.124 || y == 143.112 || y == 146.001 || y == 147.423 || y == 150.054 || y == 150.925 || y == 153.025 || y == 156.113 || y == 157.598 || y == 158.85 || y == 161.189 || y == 163.031 || y == 165.537 || y == 167.184 || y == 169.095 || y == 169.912 || y == 173.412 || y == 174.754 || y == 176.441 || y == 178.377 || y == 179.916 || y == 182.207 || y == 184.874 || y == 185.599 || y == 187.229 || y == 189.416 || y == 192.027 || y == 193.08 || y == 195.265 || y == 196.876 || y == 198.015 || y == 201.265 || y == 202.494 || y == 204.19 || y == 205.395 || y == 207.906 || y == 209.577 || y == 211.691 || y == 213.348 || y == 214.547 || y == 216.17 || y == 219.068 || y == 220.715 || y == 221.431 || y == 224.007 || y == 224.983 || y == 227.421 || y == 229.337 || y == 231.25 || y == 231.987 || y == 233.693 || y == 236.524