Re: coordinates in LogLogPlots
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112143] Re: coordinates in LogLogPlots
- From: "Sjoerd C. de Vries" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
- Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 02:30:17 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i5l9pf$7e6$>
Hi Allesandro, It seems that Epilog is kept outside the coordinate system used for the loglogplot. If you take the Log (base E) of the coordinates in the Epilog graphics they end up in the correct location. Of course, a disk is not going to look good in loglog plots. Perhaps you could use points or so. Cheers -- Sjoerd On Sep 1, 12:26 pm, Alessandro < at> wrote: > my fault without doubt, I keep on banging my head against the surreal > coordinate usage in Mathematica. > > Currently I am trying to place a Disk[] in the Epilog section of a > LogLogPlot - using as disk coordinates the plot coordinates - and I > see that it doesnt work, I dont know why. > > Show[LogLogPlot[700*x^-0.4, {x, 100, 10^6}, Frame -> True, PlotRange - > {{10, 10^6}, {1, 100}}, > > Epilog -> {Disk[{3,4.2},0.1]}] > > Since it seems to me that also the Legend system is broken in Log > plots, do you know if this is also true in this case? > > thanks! > > alessandro