Re: Holding arguments of a family of functions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112250] Re: Holding arguments of a family of functions
- From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
- Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 01:59:28 -0400 (EDT)
Write as a Function, and checkout the last note on the Function Help page. f[1,3]:= Function[y, ..., {HoldFirst}] David Park djmpark at From: magma [mailto:maderri2 at] I am building a family of functions, parametrized by 2 variables. These functions take one argument, so i have these definitions: f[1,3][y_]:=.... f[1,2][y_]:=.... f[1,3][y_]:=... f[2,1][y_]:=.... etc. As you see it's a case of subvalues being defined. The problem is that I also require that the y argument should be held. That is the functions should have something like Attributes[f[m,n]]={HoldFirst}; But this is not acceptable to Mathematica, since Attributes only takes symbols. Even using Attributes[f]={HoldAll}; does not seem to work. So , how can i keep the argument y held?