Re: Make a nested list in a loop!
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112281] Re: Make a nested list in a loop!
- From: Ray Koopman <koopman at>
- Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 06:08:34 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i64keh$380$>
On Sep 6, 11:00 pm, Sebastian <sebpin... at> wrote: > initdata = Import[datadir, "Data"]; > f = 1; > Do[ > If[omin <= initdata[[e, 2]] <= omax, data[f] = initdata[e]; f = f + > 1] > , {e, 1, Length[initdata]}]; > > Can someone please help, I'm trying to create a nested list from some > data that is already as a nested list. Basically initdata has loads of > rows but only 5 columns and looks as follow: > > {{a,b,c,d,e},{f,g,h,i,j},{k...etc. > > I'm trying to reduce the number of rows by comparing the 2nd column of > each row to a predefined maximum and minimum (omax, omin > respectively). Then if this value is accepted, the whole row gets > nested into the new 'data' array. > > Running the code as is above I get the following errors: > > "Symbol::argx: Symbol called with arguments; 1 argument is expected" > > Thanks for any help in advance. > Seb data = Select[initdata, omin <= #[[2]] <= omax &]