RootSearch vs FindRoot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112557] RootSearch vs FindRoot
- From: "Ted Ersek" <ersekt at>
- Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 05:41:34 -0400 (EDT)
In [1] I gave a long response to the thread [FindRoots?] (******** Why doesn't RootSearch Use FindRoot? ********) In [2] Andrzej Kozlowski said, "I still do not see any reason for not using FindRoot in RootSearch or any way in which RootSearch is superior to FindRoot for finding a single root (which is the only task FindRoot attempts)." A few days ago I did some experiments and found that FindRoot is much better at finding a root in one dimension than it was when I wrote RootSearch in 2001. In particular FindRoot in Mathematica 7 does a very good job of converging on a root in the following example. Clear[f2]; F2[x_]:=If[x<3/2,Sqrt[3/2-x]-Exp[-4 x],2 x Exp[-x]]; FindRoot[f2[x],{x,1.2,0.7,1.7}] When I first wrote RootSearch, I had to write my own adaptation of the Secant Method that could handle the previous example. Evaluate Plot[ f2[x], {x, 0.7, 1.7} ] and you should see why straight forward use of the Secant method or Newton method will not work in this example. My adaptation would first consider a secant step, but take a golden section find minimum step if the secant step looked like a bad choice. (***** However, FindRoot doesn't know the difference between a pole and a root. ********) In the next example I use Mathematica 7 to demonstrate the main reason I wrote my own (modified) implementation of Brent's method. In[1]:= f[x_]:=x+Tan[x]; {soln,{samples}}=Reap@FindRoot[f[x]==0,{x,1.4,1.7}, EvaluationMonitor:>Sow[x] ]; {soln,Length[samples]} FindRoot::brmp: The root has been bracketed as closely as possible with machine precision but the function value exceeds the absolute tolerance 1.0536712127723497`*^-8. >> { {x->1.5708}, 63 } In this example FindRoot performed 63 iterations and located a pole of x+Tan[x] to the nearest machine number. As the iterations went on Abs[f[xn]] increases until we get to {x -> 1.5707963267948968} where f[x]>10^15. Notice that the message from the previous example indicates Mathematica still thinks it was converging on a root. I implemented a modification of Brent's method that will stop searching if Abs[f[xn]] nearly doubles (increases by a factor of 19/10 or more) on 5 consecutive iterations. In addition to stopping the search in such an example, RootSearch posts a message indicating that it appears RootSearch is converging on a pole near [some number]. If you get the Message FindRoot shows in the above example, you have to do some investigating to see what's going on. I think my approach is "superior" to the way FindRoot handles this example. (***** Finding Multiple Order Roots ********) With the default options FindRoot will converge slowly (linear order) to a multiple root. The documentation says "DampingFactor can be used to help speed convergence to higher-order roots:" They don't mention that this is only works when Newton's method can be used, and all you do is use the setting (DampingFactor->n) where n is the order of the root. That's pretty simple, but why doesn't the documentation put it that way? Instead Wolfram makes the user figure out how "DampingFactor can be used to ...." It's also unfortunate that very few books on numerical methods or numerical analysis mention that: If (1) f[x] has a root at (x=a). and (2) f[x] can be expressed as a Taylor series about a root (x=a). Then (x=a) is a first order root of u[x] where u[x] = Piecewise[{ {0, f[x]==0}, {f[x]/f'[x], True} }] This is handy because many root finding methods can efficiently converge on any root of u[x] above. BTW I have yet to find a place where Wolfram Research mentions that finding a root of u[x] above is another way to efficiently converge on a multiple root. Well I just mentioned two ways to efficiently converge to a multiple root, and both require Mathematica to symbolically determine f'[x]. I think finding a root of u[x] above has a great advantage over using a non-default setting for DampingFactor. This is because we typically don't know the order of the roots we are trying to find, and in that case the DampingFactor approach can't be used. (******* How RootSearch Currently Works ********) RootSearch starts by taking initial samples that are almost equally spaced. Out of all the initial samples it finds adjacent samples {a,f[a]} and {b,f[b]} where f[a], f[b] have opposite sign. Then my implementation of Brent's method starts with these samples at (a,b) to find a root of u[x] above (provided Mathematica can symbolically determine f'[x] ). RootSearch also picks from the initial samples the adjacent samples {a,f[a]}, {b,f[b]}, {c,f[c]} that meet the following conditions. 1) a < b < c 2) 0 < f[b]/f[a] < 1 3) 0 < f[b]/f[c] < 1 Then it computes f'[a], f'[b], f'[c] and if f'[a], f'[b] have opposite sign my implementation of Brent's method to find a root of u[x] between (a,b). On the other hand if f'[b], f'[c] have opposite sign Brent's method is used to find a root of u[x] between (b,c). The asymptotic rate of convergence for Brent's method at a first order root is about 1.618. By using Brent's method to find a root of u[x] rather than f[x] directly we can ensure the rate of convergence is 1.618 regardless of the order of the root, and we don't have to know if it's a first know the order of the root. RootSearch also considers other cases that rarely occur in practice. Of course if Mathematica can't symbolically determine f'[x] RootSearch only uses samples of f[x] and uses Brent's method or my modified Secant method to find roots of f[x] directly. (***** Improvement For My Next Version of RootSearch ********) Brent's method is described in the material available from [3]. When Brent's method is looking for a root of f[x] it keeps track of three samples {a,f[a]}, {b,f[b]}, {c,f[c]} during each iteration. During some iterations samples {a,f[a]}, {c,f[c]} are duplicate. On every iteration we have (b!=c) and f[x] changes sign between (b,c). During each iteration Brent's method decides on a new approximate root from either 1) Inverse quadratic interpolation using {a,f[a]}, {b,f[b]}, {c,f[c]} 2) Linear interpolation using {b,f[b]}, {c,f[c]} 3) Bisection with the next approximate root at (b+c)/2. Brent's method decides which of the three to use based on the values of (a,b,c,f[a],f[b],f[c]). In my current version of RootSearch I use Brent's method on u[x], so during each iteration the next approximate root depends on the values of (a,b,c,u[a],u[b],u[c]). My next version of RootSearch will use a variation of Brent's method where the next approximate root depends on the values of (a,b,c,f[a],f[b],f[c],f'[a],f'[b],f'[c]). Armed with all this information my new method will decide to use a bisection step if f'[b] or f'[c] is (zero, infinite, or Indeterminate). I will also take a bisection step if f[x] can't possibly be monotonic between (b,c). In addition there are other heuristics I will use to decide if a bisection step is best. In many cases this new variation on Brent's method will pick exactly the same new approximation as if I used Brent's method on u[x] directly. The difference is that on some iterations my new variation will know f[x] is not very well behaved, and take a bisection step instead. (***** References ******) [1] [2] [3]