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Independent Component Analysis? (here you go...)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg112670] Independent Component Analysis? (here you go...)
  • From: telefunkenvf14 <rgorka at>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 02:42:42 -0400 (EDT)


I've come across a resource on Independent Component Analysis that
many of you may find useful.

The online journal Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology,
volume 6-1, includes the article An Introduction to Independent
Component Analysis: InfoMax and FastICA algorithms, by Dominic
Langlois, Sylvain Chartier, and Dominique Gosselin, as well as
Mathematica programs implementing these algorithms.

Access the paper and programs via the following links (for some reason
links on the webpage are buggy at the moment):

(+1 for including ICA in version 8---agree??)


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