Washington DC Area Mathematica Special Interest Group
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg112706] Washington DC Area Mathematica Special Interest Group
- From: "Bruce Colletti" <bwcolletti at verizon.net>
- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 06:02:09 -0400 (EDT)
Mathematica SIG (http://web.me.com/hrbishop.pmsi) MEETING 1 October 2010, 7:30 am Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) 8301 Greensboro Drive McLean VA Southern Corner of Westpark Drive and Greensboro Drive Agenda *********** Special Notice *********** The members of the Washington DC Area Mathematica Special Interest Group thank Roger Germundsson (Director of R&D), Conrad Wolfram (Director of Strategic and Int'l Development), and Stephen Wolfram (Founder & CEO) for speaking with us at Wolfram Research's Data Summit on 10 September, held in Washington DC. We especially thank Cynthia Girdler (National Account Manager) for inviting us to (and setting up) this special Friday session and then remaining with us. She also started our SIG by bringing founding members together at the 2006 Wolfram Technology Conference. She still keeps a watchful eye on us. Roger generously spoke well beyond the allotted time (in fact, we opted out of the Summit in order to maximize time with him). His decision to hang with us was a reminder that Wolfram Research cares as much for their user community as extending Mathematica (and in science, "Everywhere getting to the frontier", to paraphrase Stephen's 2004 statement). Thank you, Roger, for your visit and immensely invigorating talk. Conrad visited briefly and asked for our perspectives on diverse matters. We wanted to hold him captive but he had to return to the Summit. Conrad, thank you for joining us. Stephen also visited briefly to make sure everyone was in the throes of vigorous discussion. Although we were, Stephen stirred things up even more with his own magic. Thank you, Stephen, for swinging by and sharing your thoughts. The Wolfram Team is superb. **************************************** 1. Prepared Talks "Decay Kinetics of Radon-222", by Dan Martinez ABSTRACT. Dan will demonstrate Mathematica's dynamic controls in plots of the time-based abundance of Radon-222 and some of its progeny. "Mystery Talk", by David Vasholz ABSTRACT. Dave dangles only this: the talk will be a focused topic or a medley. "Modeling Interactive Diffusion with Mathematica", by Nicholas Mecholsky (Note: This talk is tentative since Nick may not be able to present) ABSTRACT. I will highlight my progress toward simulating interactive Reaction-Diffusion equations. Specifically, I will lay the framework for diffusion where a source term is provided by the clicking or dragging of the mouse. Problems and future directions are included. 2. Mathematica Gems and Discoveries Sharing of Mathematica programming oddities Applications of Mathematica to some areas of science Something recently read and worth sharing 3. Mathematica Questions, Possible Approaches and Discussion 4. New Business Review candidate SIG mission statements Discuss the 10 September special meeting Select next meeting presentation, time and place --------------------- Directions to 8301 Greensboro Drive, McLean VA (tall, boxy and white SAIC Enterprise Building at south corner of Westpark Drive and Greensboro Drive): >From the Beltway, go northwest on Route 7 (Leesburg Pike) and proceed past Route 123 (Chain Bridge Road). Turn right onto Westpark Drive (Gosnell Road in the other direction). Turn right at the next light onto Greensboro Drive and then right into the parking lot. Visitor's Parking is adjacent to Westpark Drive. A SIG representative will meet you in the lobby. Please arrive no later than 6:50AM if you wish to join us for a dutch-treat breakfast, and no later than 7:20AM to attend the meeting only. The desk officer will ask for a driver's license before issuing a visitor's badge.