Re: read CSV)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg117843] Re: read CSV)
- From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 02:35:23 -0500 (EST)
On 3/31/11 at 11:52 AM, mathgroup at (James Stein) wrote: >1. I'm curious to know what Mac editor(s) you use. (I use BBEdit or >WordWrangler, which give good grep, but I haven't discovered how to >save favorite macros between sessions.) I use BBEdit. >2. Would you share your *Mathematica function that accepts a >filename as an argument and has the file opened up by *[your] *text >editor"*? bbedit[filename_String]:=Run["bbedit", "'"<>filename<>"'"] bbedit[]:=Run["bbedit", "'"<>Directory[]<>"'"] bbedit[filename_String, switches__]:= Run["bbedit", switches, StringJoin@= @{"'",filename,"'"}] Here, I make use of the underlying Unix system and the command line tools supplied with BBEdit. The command is set so that doing bbedit[] opens a BBEdit browser window displaying files in the current working directory of Mathematica. Note, for this to work as described requires certain preferences to be set correctly in BBEdit. With factory defaults, you will get a project widow rather than a file browser window. bbedit[filename] opens a widow where the contents of filename are editable bbedit[filename, switches] allows me to have the cursor positioned at a specific line etc, when BBEdit opens the file. I find, I seldom use this last variation of this command.