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Re: picking coefficients

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg118169] Re: picking coefficients
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 03:55:59 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <io6d3s$drp$>

Am 14.04.2011 11:00, schrieb Kent Holing:
> I have a general polynomial in 4 variables a,b,c,d.
>> From all terms N a^i b^j c^k d^l for i,j,k,l positive integers (all or some of i,j,k,l may be 0) with N a numerical (integer) coefficient ( N/= 0, N may be negative or positive) of the polynomial, I want to pick among these terms only those where N /== 0 mod 8.
> Is it an easy way to achieve this, using Mathematica?
> Example/testcase:
> For Q(x) = x^4 + (2a+1) x^3 + 2b x^2 + 2c x + 2d + 1 = 0
> where a, b, c and d are integers, let the polynomial
> be the discriminant of the quartic Q(x) = 0.
> The result of the above request should then be 5 + 4a(a+1) +4b(b+1) + 4c(c+1) + 4d(d+1), showing that the discriminant == 5 mod 8 and therefore not a square.
> In fact, this shows that the Galois group of the quartic must be either Z4, D4 or S4.
> Kent Holing

Hi Kent,

I don't know how to get the wanted result (experimenting gave just 5 + 4 
d (d+1) ), but the final result can be obtained by typing simply:

   Mod[Discriminant[x^4 + (2a+1) x^3 + 2b x^2 + 2c x + 2d + 1, x], 8],
Element[{a, b, c, d}, Integers]]


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