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ImageMargins and Frame Labels

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg118240] ImageMargins and Frame Labels
  • From: Gabriel Landi <gtlandi at>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 07:55:19 -0400 (EDT)

Fellow Mathematica users,

I periodically encounter the same problem when producing Mathematica
graphics that will later be used in publications:
When the graph has tick marks or labels, the center of the framed plot
becomes asymmetric, which is terrible when you wish to publish your plot.
The problem is worse in the horizontal direction.

Here is a simple example:

graph = Plot[Sin[x], {x,0,Pi}, Frame->True, FrameLabel->{x,Sin[x]}]

I have so far found two ways of solving this:

1) The brute force way: Include ImageMargins->{{0,x},{0,y}} and keep
adjusting x and y until you are satisfied.

2) Use a panel:

Panel[graph, Background ->White, Alignment->Center].

You can then include a ImagePadding command in graph. But this is confusing
and I personally have never adapted well to it.
You also encounter problems with ImageSize and AspectRatio. Say, for
instance, you use ImageSize->500 in graph. Since the AspectRatio of graph is
by default GoldenRatio, this command adapts well to it. But the panel, on
the other hand, has AspectRatio -> 1 which means that you will need to
Specify some sort of command like ImageSize->{GoldenRatio 500, 500} in the
panel as well.

Anyway, does someone know a smart way to produce symmetric graphics without
having all this trouble?

Thanks in advance,

Gabriel T. Landi

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